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  Meet Joe, the meanest bully in school. The guy is huge and as black as my dad's shoe. He says he's a transfer student but never tells us where he was transferred from or the reason why.

  The guy is nasty, unlike ordinary bullies that stick your head in the toilet or collect your lunch, he beats the crap out of you till you bleed and he says he does it for fun. He bullies everyone, girls included. Another very disturbing thing about this guy is that he smells badly, guess who he loves bullying, me.

  He grins at Zee, "why don't you invite me to your party?" He asks. Zee shoves him so that she can have some breathing space, "they'd all run away from your stench." she says without fear.

  Joe's expression suddenly changes and then he socks her in the stomach hard. She falls to the ground groaning in pain. Joe is about to beat her up, but then I interfere. Like I said in the beginning,  I stand up to bullies even if it means losing my legs.

  "Leave her alone mango," I say to him. 'mango' is Joe's nickname which of course he doesn't like. We all call him that because his head is kinda shaped like a mango, correction only those brave enough call him that.

 He walks closer to me slowly, my heart is pounding loudly in my chest. "What did you say?" he asks menacingly." leave her alone mango," I say again more confident than before. Joe punches the nearest locker making the metal door bend and go in. "What did you say?" he asks again.

 This time I stammer. " her alone" I say. Joe stops right in front of me when he hears Zee groan out loudly, he wheels around in time to see Zee lose her lunch on the floor. He smiles at me, grabs me by the shirt and then stikes me on the face hard.

  I'm dazed and actually see stars. He then carries me close to Zee's vomit, tons of kids are watching the scene. Joe uses my face to mop Zee's sour-sick vomit.

 I'm seated in Jackson's lab, bruises, and scars all over my body. Jackson carries a Petri dish to a microscope on a desk. "I've been studying some bacteria," Jackson says observing whatever was in the dish through the microscope. Jackson picks up a container filled with a yellow cream-like substance.

   "Did you know wounds in the mouth heal faster than wounds on external parts of the body?" Jackson asks. "I created, ok I evolved bacteria in the human saliva to a substance that actively heals wounds super fast," Jackson says offering me the substance. I cautiously open it and rub some on my swollen eye.

  In mere seconds I feel the pain lessening "got a mirror?"I ask Jackson he nods and produces one from his back, I stare into it and see my swollen eye reducing in size."It works!" I exclaim and start rubbing the rest of it on my body. "At least now whenever Joe beats me I can use this," I say laughing sadly. Now you know what I face almost every day of my life, being me is tough but I assure you things will change, maybe.

  You're probably wondering, does Jackson get bullied? no, he has enough muscles to make a bully think twice before acting and  minds his own business, some times I wish I was like him but like my mom always says," never wish to be like someone else be yourself."

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