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"I didn't know you knew karate," Zee says during lunch when we where all settled in he cafeteria. Zee decided to join us today maybe because In beat the crap outta Joe or because we're one (two if you count Lola) member short.

 Turns out  Jackson went over with  Lola to another table leaving the rest of us alone.  

"Me neither," I say to Zee, I haven't told anyone about the voice in my head because it won't let me, when I try it makes me sing.

 The voice has told me the plan for stealing the book and I don't like it.

It wants me too go to the principals office and take it just like that,  seems pretty easy.

The voice makes me walk out of the cafeteria leaving my lunch on the table, wait I haven't finished eating, I say to the voice while trying to regain control of my body. I don't need to eat, the voice replies.

We head over to the principals office and knock on the door, no answer. We knock louder (actually the voice makes me), still no answer.

 The voice makes open the door and it opens, I manage to gulp. My eyes search around for the book. I don't think it's here, I tell the voice but it doesn't reply.

 I search around for the book but didn't find it, that's when I hear footsteps and they're headed this way, I look around for a hiding spot and then spot a closet filled with Jackets, I push some away and enter, closing the door behind me.

In the closet, there is a tiny hole which allows me to see what's happening outside. Mrs.Carson walks in and I can tell she knows someone is hiding in her office. "Anyone here?" she asks and then walks towards my hiding place.

She slowly places her hands on the handle of the closet. Please don't find me, please don't, I pray silently.

 She yanks the door open but then closes it back, I breathe I sigh of relief. Mrs.Carson walks over to the office door and open it, she seems to be talking with some one.

 She immediately leaves the office and follow who ever she was talking to.

 I open the closet door and leave the room too.

 I notice something, the voice has left me, yes, I cry out joyfully and head over to the cafeteria, few people are still eating and Jamie helped me to hold on to my food.

As I chow down he tells me the most mind-boggling, greatest news ever. Joe is getting expelled, leaving the school, never coming back for ever. You should understand how happy I am.

Turns out the reason why Joe got expelled is because he threatened to beat a teacher and almost killed someone. Like he hasn't tried to kill me before.

 Just before closing, Mrs.Carson tells me I no longer have to go on detention, she tells me that Frank later told her everything even the part where everybody dies but she doesn't believe it.

 She even want's to give me the book but I tell her she can keep it, I've had enough trouble for one day. Today turns out to be the best day of my life since I met Joe and found that book. I'm so happy till Jackson runs over to me and breaks some shocking news. "Fitz, you gotta help me,"he says. 

"What?"I ask him, I'm still mad at him for ditching us but I try not to show it, he looks around to make no one is listening and then says, "I got a weird voice  in my head and it's controlling me."

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