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  The next day I head off to the town library to read a book which I do every Sunday. The librarian, Mr. Carlson is a really nice guy and some times let me borrow a book even though I forgot my library card.

  "Good morning Mr. Carlson," I say to him when I enter the library, "good morning Fitz, hope you brought your card this time?" He says. I nodded.

    "Well, I just got a new shipment of a marvel comic book character called Gwenpool, you might wanna check it out" Mr. Carlson suggested. "Sure maybe its Deadpools cousin," I say, I was wrong. Turns out Gwenpool is actually from a universe where there are no superheroes and Captain America and other characters are comic books, somehow she stumbled into their word and can leave the comic book and go into another page. She also looks like Deadpool but wears pink. 

  I pick up the other issues and walk around, I've read most of the comics, like Jamie I'm a comic freak only because he inspired me. I continue walking around, most of the books are boring and are for old people.

  I keep walking for a while when something catches my eye, a big book. I pick it up, it kinda looks like a spellbook. I blow the dust on it and open the book, there was a warning on the first page:

   Reader beware, you have opened the lost spellbook of  Cantatonous, a great evil is upon you and everyone who reads this book, some say Cantatonous spirit still lives and is waiting for the moment when an idiotic being opens this book, You have been warned drop this book before it haunts you.

                                                                                                                       Your's faithfully

                                                                                                                       The book

 "Huh, what a horror book," I say to myself and flip the other pages, most of it is filled with jokes, Boring!, I think but I still carry it to Mr. Carlson with the Gwenpool comic series. I pull out my card from my pocket when suddenly Mr. Carlson screams, "You have doomed your self child, " he says to me his eyes glowing bright red, I'm not fazed by this, "Cool, how did you do that?" I ask, he Ignores me.

  "Are yoy sure you want this?" he asks. I nodd, "okay then" He says his eyes back to normal. He does the registration for the books and tells me I can keep everything, I thank him and start leaving. I hear him laugh evily in a distance. Wow, he is totally trying hard to scare me, I think. I Didn't know that this book was about to ruin my life in so many ways. So hold on to your reading chair or whatever your using to read this book because things are about to get wierd and kinda scary.

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