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             JACKSON TAKES OVER!!!

As the huge words say, I'm taking over (for like one chapter). Fitz decide I should narrate the story to you for a better understanding, so let's begin at the beginning or at least a beginning.

I'm seated in the library trying to find the meaning of energy quantization when suddenly the library door opens and Mrs.Carson walks, and  I don't like what she's holding in her hand, the spell book.

 I pretend as if I didn't see her but she sees me and then hands the book over to me, "I seized this from a student,hold on to it," she says, for some reason, teachers love to give me seized stuff, maybe because I'm so trustworthy or because I'm a model student.

 "Okay mam" I say to her, she then leaves the library.

 Out of curiosity I open the book and start reading, turns out the book had a spirit stuck inside it and it can posses people. Even after reading this I still don't put down the book, I'm hungry for more knowledge.

 Yes read more, read more, someone says actually someone in my head says and it sounds like Lola(more on Lola later, maybe from Fitz), "God, is that you?"I ask the voice in my head.

 I am not a god but soon I will be, it says and then I stand up from my seat. What's going on?, I ask it, I'm in control boy, It says and walks me out of the library, carrying the book in my hand.

 The voice makes me walk into the toilet and start performing some spells and stuff and because of that it makes me miss tons of classes probably denting my perfect always present score, so annoying.

 The voice decides to have pity on me and then leaves me as soon as the cafeteria bell rings ( to control Fitz), Lola accompanies me and she's asking me questions like "where were you?", "what were you doing?", blah blah blah blah.

 "Hey Jackson"she says to me when we have taken are food tray, "let's seat over there" she says pointing a seat where Felicity, Nat and Ema are seated.

 I guess Fitz has already described Felicity, so let's get on with Nat and Ema.

 Nat is a sugar addict, like a real sugar addict and she's kinda proud, really proud most boys hate her. Ema is the total opposite, everyone adores her because she's nice and small.

  We all start talking  about our lives stuff we do at home, you know kids talk.

I look over at my regular table and see Fitz leaving the table, it looks as if his trying to sit down back but a force overwhelms him and he keeps on going.

 Just before closing the voice returns back and it makes me walk over to Fitz and blurt out these words, "I gotta a weird voice in my head and it's controlling me!"

Hey everyone, I got some bad news, I'm going back to school, so I can't publish more chapter's but when I return I will, see ya.( check out my new book Fear)

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