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  The remaining parts of the week were boring so I won't talk about it, except for Saturday. (party time). The party starts at 2:00 pm, so I have to get ready. I decide to wear one of my most casual cloth, a cool spiderman T-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and my awesome blue Nike shoes.

   Before the party, I did some 'research' on Zee's house, not the type where you go to the internet and look up something. Nope, I passed by her house tons of times.

  I found out that she has a swimming pool, not the ones five-year-olds can stand in, the deep ones. So just in case, I pack some swimming trunks. Jackson also knows about the party, of course, everyone in 9th grade is invited except Joe.

  The party was totally awesome, loud music boomed from the speakers. The pizza kept coming, Jackson and I kept scarfing them down.

   I spotted Jamie playing with carl ( Zee's older brother) Xbox. Good thing carl is out doing whatever he does.

  I bump into Zee who is laughing so hard, she really knows how to throw a party. "Having fun?" She asks I can barely hear her over the music. "What a party, hope we're going to swim, could you order more pizza," I say incredibly fast and loud.

  She giggles as if I said something funny. "I'll order some," she says dramatically and then asks "Hey, have you seen Bright?" she asks. Bright is a cool guy who has advice for anything, he is also the president of the student council and a bunch of other stuff, all the teachers love him and always refer to him anytime anyone does something wrong like not doing your homework or sleeping in class.

   "No," I reply to her, she walks away disappointed. I look around and spot a girl wearing pink glasses, has straight long black hair and is probably texting. Lola.

 I decide to make an approach to her, you know to be a friendly neighborhood Fitz, but I stop in my tracks when I see Jackson walkover to her carrying a glass of punch. He hands it over to her and she laughs at whatever he said.

   They start talking as if they knew each other since infancy. I'm totally confused, what's going on here, I thought and then scratch my hair. I'm about to find out the somewhat scary truth about my best bud.

  The pool water was kinda cold but it was awesome, some people played in the water while others chilled out, but me and some other guys did a race which I won easily, I'm a pretty good swimmer.

 The party was going on great so Zee's mom and dad went out, for maybe a honeymoon or to watch a boring romantic movie for adults.

  I was busy talking to Jamie about how the party is going to go down as one of the best in the year when suddenly a large brown balloon comes from nowhere and splashes inside the water emitting a weird brown liquid mixing with the water, fast.

 All the kids scrambled out of the water, I'm about to go when I hear somebody call out, " help me, I'm drowning". I look to see Felicity calling out to me, gurgling some of the disgusting water. I don't know what to do.

  Before I go on further let me explain about Felicity.

 Felicity is our head cheerleader, and winner of prom queen six times in a row, she's also really pretty and can make some guys gawk and stare, but not this guy.

   I'm thinking of what to do, glued to the spot (if I were standing). She calls out to me again, the water covering her eyes, she screams my name right before she sinks to the bottom of the pool.

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