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  I'm still stunned, thinking of what to do, I have to make up my mind fast. I use my mind controlling ability, the power I've been hiding from everyone even you, to control the water pulling Felicity out of the pool.

 As I remove the last drops of water from her nose, she wakes up suddenly and hugs me so hard, I think I'm going to pop.

  Zee's parents show up in time to see me rescue Felicity, turns out they were actually S.H.I.E.L.D agents who are currently looking for new superheroes.

  They ask me if I want to  join and  I say yes immediately.Everyone goes home safely, but for me, I follow Zee's parents thinking of a cool superhero name.

  By know you should have figured out that it wasn't real, only a figment of my wild imagination. I don't have superpowers, Zee's parents aren't  S.H.I.E.L.D agents and Felicity is still at bottom of the pool. 

  A guy named Greg bravely jumps into the pool and brings her out of the water.  Greg is a really good swimmer, one time he represented our school in a swimming competition in which he almost drowned. For some reason he hangs out with Joe.

   I climb out of the pool to see people trying to revive her. Luckily she wakes up and coughs out some water. "What happened?" she asks. "Greg saved you." someone replies. Felicity turns to Greg, "thank you, "she says to him. "Just doing my job,"he says and then looks at me sternly.

  The rest of the party was kinda boring, I guess because of the incident in the pool nobody was in a party mood again . Zee said we should wait that the pizza guy would arrive soon, so I persuaded her to put a movie.

  Zee switches her television on and we start watching some shows. The door bell rings, Zee rushes over to the door to answer it. "Hope its the pizza guy" Jamie said, for some reason everyone laughs.

  "Pizza is here. " the pizza delivery guy says, everyone goes wild. I quickly grab a box of pizza and open it, it was empty.

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