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  I used my  left foot to poke  my dead friend in the ribs, we were all freaking out."What the heck is going on?" Jamie asked fearfully, Even Jackson, my best bud couldn't believe his eyes.

 I started flipping the book looking for answers to what happened to Dave or anything else, "uh... what are you doing" Jamie asks, "looking for away to bring back the dead" I say .

  Luckily, I found a reverse spell, "merï reverso" I say, nothing happens."you gotta say it twice," Jackson pointed out. "merï reverso" I say again, this time dead Dave rises up and starts coming back to life, his organs start to reappear, his muscles and skin start to creep over his body and then his eyes pop out of his sockets, to me it looked as if I was watching a movie playback.

 Dave touches his body, "let's not do that again," he says. "we have to get rid of this book," Jamie says,"uh like I haven't tried that before" I say sarcastically.

  "We could use my disintegration ray" Jackson suggests, "what difference would that make?"Dave asks. "Fitz tried tearing and wetting the book but it didn't work, he didn't try breaking the molecules" Jackson explained and then pulls out a device that looked like a small pen like laser on a stand.

 "Place the book here," Jackson instructed, I obeyed instantly. He placed the disintegrator ray near the book and pushed a button.

 A thin red beam of light shot out of the pen, burning the book, "I can't believe it's wor..." Dave was saying but was cut of by the sudden deflection of the laser at us, I dodged as a red beam approached me, lasers flew everywhere burning and destroying Jackson's lab.

 Dave fell on his knees and cried out, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" , I turned and looked at him, I probably shouldn't have done that because out of nowhere, lasers hit my hair giving me a crazy haircut, dazed I fell to the ground.

 Jackson picks up a small mirror and redirects the beam at the disintegrator ray, destroying it. "Glad that's over,"Jamie says and then we all walk over to the book, it had no scratch or sign that it was once burnt,  it looked perfectly new.

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