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 Remember when I said that I was soon going to find out a secret about Jackson and Lola, turns out they're best friends.

   Were you expecting something else, if you were, sorry to disappoint you.Look at it from my perspective, Jackson is my best friend so if Lola is his best friend, it will  cause some kinda rivalry, like Betty and Veronica fighting over Archie, poor guy.

 Luckily, I don't worry much about it because I got something else on my mind, the spell book. Our plans to eliminate it didn't work, so I decide to drop the book at the end of my locker, maybe I'll forget it ever existed, I  say to myself.

 As I walk through the hallways, I see Joe bullying  a guy named Frank.

 Frank is the only person I know that has vast knowledge on animals especially snails.

 "Leave her alone," Frank tells Joe as he holds a snail in mid air wanting to squish it.He also brings snails to school. "Joe squishes the snail in his hand, splashing the snails gunk on onlookers. "EWW!" they all scream.

 "That one was pregnant!" Frank screams at Joe who only laughs and then smears the snail gunk on Franks mouth.

 I suddenly get angry at Joe and then a voice in my head whispers to me, use the spell book, use the spell book, it says.

 I agree with it even though I shouldn't, I do it anyway. I walk over to Joe with the spell book in my hands. " Hey Joe," I call out to him while searching for a joke.

 "What skinny man? you wanna piece of this"?", he asks showing me his fist covered in snail gunk.

 "Actually I wanna tell you a joke,"I say to him, he looks at me suspiciously, "be on with it" He says.

 Suddenly, I start having doubts about using the book, what if it doesn't work?, what if it backfires?, I summon up all my courage and then say the joke:

 "What do you get when you cross a shark and a parrot?"I ask, Joe and everyone around starts to murmur, "what do you get?" Frank asks while picking his snails remains. "A bird that talks your ear off!" I say.

 Joe doesn't laugh but then he does.

 That's when something terribly wrong happens, everybody begins to laugh.

"Hah hah"they all laugh and then start to get older,then start to die.

 I stare around at everybody, now dead. No, this wasn't supposed to happen, I thought and then a voice tells me, it was supposed to happen, prepare the way for the master, Cantatonous is coming.

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