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  I have returned.

  Yeah I have taken over to continue my seemingly weird story.

  Jackson and I head over to his house, turns out that Jackson knows a lot about the spell book and the voice in our heads and I think he has a way to stop it.

  We walk into Jackson's room, weird devices and chunks of metal are littered around.

  Jackson picks up a tranquilizer dart and fills it with a clear colourless liquid from a syringe, he momentarily shakes it.

  He clears his throat and then walks over to me, "The liquid inside will knock us out for a while and give the spirit or voice in our heads no choice but to return to the book, that is..." Jackson pauses and looks at me, "Is what?" I ask.

 Jackson completes his statement,"that is no one else has read or held the book as long as we have"

  I try and remember if anyone has, "we are the only ones" I reply.

  "Good let's..." Jackson stops short, his facial expression suddenly grows menacing.

   "Are you okay?" I ask slowly backing away.

  Jackson takes a step towards me"I'm more than okay" a deep voice replies as Jackson drops the tranquilizer dart on the floor, "I'm back" the evil voice replies through Jackson mouth.

  Jackson lunges forward, arms outstretched ready to grab me. 

  I duck out of the way and ball my fists, Jackson slowly does the same.

  A tiny voice in my head screams, are you crazy?, my conscience asks, rhetorical question.

  You can't face Jackson He'll rip you to shreds.

  Jackson is in the top ten list of strongest guys in the whole school, another great reason why he's never bullied.

  He throws a lightning fast punch at me, his fist collides with my face and in my mind I hear a crunching sound.

 I rubbed my cheek where the insane punch of the year landed, totally dropping my guard.

  Jackson doesn't waste time. He holds my neck and starts to choke me to death. There is no possible way for a wimp like me to beat Jackson so I have to play dirty. 

  I kick Jackson in the stomach, his right hand flies down to console his stomach, loosening his grip on my neck.

I hit his left hand away and give him an intense spear that sends him flying near the dart.

I reach out for the dart but Jackson slaps it out of my hand as soon as I pick it up.

An evil laugh escapes his lips.

He sits on top of my chest and gives my face more punches than I can handle.

Jackson punches me to the side and my face slams on the floor. I then spot the dart inches away from my hand.

I stealthily grab it just as Jackson asks menacingly, "any last words before I beat you to dough?" Classic movie villain.

I smile slowly and stab the dart into his neck, he drops to the floor.

I pull the dart out of his neck and see blood stained at the sharp end, I clean it off and say, " hope you don't have HIV." and then inject myself with the strange liquid.

I stare at Jackson who lay on the floor, why is his head growing, I felt mine, only to find out it wasn't there! "I'm running mad!" I scream, the things tranquilizers do to people.

I suddenly felt drowsy, fell to the floor and slept.

When I awake Jackson Is rubbing a cotton wool soaked in methylated spirit on his neck.

  "Sorry for beating the crap out of you?" Jackson says solemnly. "Thanks...but you didn't actually beat me" I reply. 

  "The spirit had the ability to jump from my mind to yours,but now that we were both unconscious it ran back to the book" Jackson explained.

"So what do we do now?" I ask.

"Well basically we are both like refreshed, we are like how we were when we first made long term contact with it, I suggest we bury it" Jackson says.

"Great, got any shovels?"

"In my backyard"

"Let's bury it in the junkyard"

"Great idea, then no one will accidently dig it up"Jackson says. The two of us armed with shovels and the book in my arm we headed off to the junkyard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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