letter of invitation

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I was asleep and dreaming

I was dreaming that I was in an empty space with no one else with me and the surroundings looked like the entire place i was in was melting which caused the black goo to slowly drown me until I was completely submerged

I tried to swim up but no matter who much I tried I wasn't moving an inch.

Then something that had the figure of a little kid which strangely enough looked like me was in front of me

It was completely black and had two wide eyes that looked almost like two giant spotlights

Then it grabbed me and started shouting in a distorted voice

"WaKe Up!!WaKe Up!!WaKe Up!!Wake Up"it shouted

Then the more it repeated itself the more it sounded human like and it kept shaking me until I woke and realized that it was mom and dad who were shaking me

Mom was smiling and had tears of joy while dad was smiling a sharp toothed smile

"wake up!!wake up!!wake up!!wake up!!"they shouted

"I'M AWAKE!!"I shouted in anger

Then I looked at them with a pissed off look

"You won't believe what arrived this morning!!"said mom in pure happiness

"What is it?"I asked completely done with it

Then dad handed me a piece of paper

I started reading it out loud

"Dear Y/n tatsumi,we are aware of your continuous expulsions from different schools,as we saw your potential in fighting for fighting 4 bullies five years older then you,and of your success in our test presented to your school which is why we have the pleasure to welcome you to

Yggdrasil academy

Where your future will be assured 100% with the best curriculum and for the top notch students,they will all get their wishes granted to them

We look forward for your attendance

Headmaster of Yggdrasil academy"i read

Then I started asking them several questions

"Aren't you excited!?!?"asked mom

"How did they hear about my delinquent history?"I asked

"Maybe they had the words taken to them from your old school!"said dad jumping around like an idiot

"And what's that about succeeding in a test?I never heard of them holding a test"i said

"Maybe they organized one without telling you!"said mom

"But I've always had bad grades!I've had so many bad grades that the teachers stopped correcting my sheets and straight up started giving me bad marks from 1-10!"I said

Mom then sighed in exasperation

"Listen,this is a chance of a lifetime,not even the richest of richest can attend to this academy!please do it for us"she begged me

I looked down and then dad was still looking enthusiastic

"If that's not enough!look at the post scriptum"he said

I looked at the letter and saw th PS

"If you come to our academy we may give you some information about your mother"it said

I then looked at my parents

"WHERE ARE MY UNDERWEAR!?!?WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!!!???"I shouted and we all started to take as much as possible from my stuff as possible

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