black dragon emperor vs the shadelord

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Here we are,in the arena,face to face with my opponent,zato Cato,coto,I forgot

But we were facing each other in the arena though from meters away from each other

I could hear the wisdom faction cheering him on to beat me up

"BEAT HIM UP!!DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING FROM HIM!!"are some of the things I heard

But there's also hollow who was fighting them


I smiled as I looked at grimm who was in my hood

"Ready?"I asked him

He nodded

"Cool"i said

I could see zato in front of me who was looking at me as if he was looking for any weaknesses he could exploit,I have to give it to him,he doesn't let his feeling get in the way of his fights

Then the leaders appeared


Y/N OGA VS ZATO CETO!"announced shadow

Then the fight started and the crowd went silent

Then we both jumped at each other

I tried to punch him in the face but he caught it and twisted my arm before flinging me to the side thus crushing me to the ground

Fortunately I caught his arm and did the same thing but he just pressed his fingers in my veins which made me let go of him so I quickly jumped away from him

"I have to say,you're a real delinquent,you know why?you just use your fists without thinking while I trained in the martial arts so I mastered them all"he said taking a fighting stance

I smiled as I got up

"My dad faced the same kind of opponents but he still managed to kick their ass"i said

"I'm curious to see how he did it"said zato

I then ran back at him went for another punch and he blocked it again so I flunged him off his feet and tried to knee him him but he managed to hold it,and it I smiled as it went as i planned it would

I then headbutted him in his head which made him fall to the ground and create a crater

I jumped back as I smiled

"Well,what did you think of that?"I asked

He slowly got up while holding his head as I could see a smile behind his hand


It's been forever since I felt it"he said

"There's a lot more coming"i responded

The next moment he dissapeared from my sight and so I turned around and found him in front of me in one knee as he opened his palm and hit me with it in my stomach before he punched me in the face  and in my guts very quickly before throwing me away

And he then ran towards me to punch me again but before he could I used my void shriek

And he then ran towards me to punch me again but before he could I used my void shriek

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