in a world of never ending daylight

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"W-w-w-w-wait!you got it wrong!!I didn't do anything!there's not even proof that I'm the one who did it!"I shouted

"That's right everyone!I scoured all of the school's security footage and there's no proof of Y/n beating shadow half dead,there's actually footage of him and koro sensei heading outside of the barrier

So we don't have any proof against Y/n"she said

"I have proof"

We all turned to see it was sarah there and behind her was a mysterious person

"Wait Who's that?and why is no one reacting to him?!"

"I came here to take back my son that you took from me"said the stranger

"WHAT?!I never took grimm from you!!I don't even know who you are!!!"I shouted

"Really?let us show everyone the truth!"he said as then a giant red mist appeared which showed a scene I swear never happened

It was me taking grimm from him as he was crawling on the floor begging me

I couldn't see my face,only about mid-chest but you could see him and hear 'Grimm' crying

Neither did I or grimm believe what we were seeing

"I'm begging you!!please let go of my son!!he's all I have!!"he shouted

"Shut up,with this kid I'm going to be the strongest at school!and there's nothing you can do about it!" 'I' shouted back at him as I was laughing

And then it stopped

I turned to everyone and saw them glaring at me

"We thought you had some worth but you even use strength that isn't yours,how much of a scum can you be?"asked zato


"We don't trust you anymore,that's why sarah stopped talking to you,she knew what you truly were


"That's not true!I never did any of those things!!"

"What is going on here!"shouted koro sensei who arrived here with ryuko and godzilla

"He's finally being judged for all the crimes he committed"said noire who was also against me for some reason

"What are the-"shouted koro sensei before looking at what was on the wall

"THE HELL'S THAT?!"shouted ryuko

"It's what he did last night,he backstabbed her when she agreed to not fight him,this is just judgement"

"What would that judgement be?"


Koro sensei then hurried to Y/n's side and stood by him

"Listen everyone I don't know what happened to you but you must all be out of your mind if you think y/n is the culprit then you must be out of your damn mind!"he said

"I have the tape to prove it as she held up a USB drive

"Let us see then"said koro sensei as he then brought a computer with his speed

He put the USB in and started the tape

What he saw shocked him

It was Y/n who was silently torturing shadow who had something on her mouth to unable her from talking

"What hour was this tape filmed,if it was really Y/n why did you let him do that?knowing that you're much stronger now,something isn't right

And you all are supporting her as if you owe your life to her

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