artistic hollowing

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The fake Y/n was standing on his ground completely still from the beast that was in front of him

"What the hell

What the hell?

HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING AFTER I DESTROYED YOUR VOID HEART!!??"he shouted as the monster roared another silent roar but one that still pierced F Y/n's ear

The monster then sprinted towards him as he punched him in the face with a punch  so powerful  he didn't feel the impact at the second but it hit him like like a truck on the highway

The punch was so strong it sent him crashing at the wall digging him two meters deep

The monster stood there waiting for him as he came back with five tentacles out of his back as he was punching the monster with all the strength he had in him before he got back and used the gifts of grimm and the radiance as he summoned a giant wave of flames which the monster then created a giant shield out of itself

F Y/n saw this opportunity to use the gift of the radiance

Then hundreds of light swords appeared around the monster who stood there looking at them curiously

"DIE!!!"shouted F Y/n as he unleashed all the swords at once to the monster

It then started to dodge and block all of them as it then grabbed two of ther hundred swords flying towards him as it used them to block all the others at an insane speed as it then threw the swords towards F Y/n who then unleash all of his tentacles barely dodging them as he turned around to go attack the monster but he found himself attacked instead by the monster who then kicked him down but caught him by his neck as he dragged him through the hard,solid,void rocks face first

As he then let him go and pierced his body with all ten of his tentacles smashing him against the walls repeatedly before finally letting him go

F Y/n then got up as he was livid with anger as the veins of his void started bursting

He then pulled his hands downward as blue strings came out of his fingertips which then got covered in green slime as they then caught the monster who didn't move as the strings caught on red fire as they surrounded the monster as then pale and light swords surrounded him before they all collided

F Y/n was expecting something that would truly please him like seeing the monster pierced with holes of all sizes in his body

But what came out was unexpected,the scenery was spinning up and down as he was feeling dizzy until he realized what happened to him...

His head got cut off

The monster survived the attack without a scratch

And it was spinning his head like a baseball

"What?,h-h-h-how?!how can you?!THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE?!I'M A CREATION OF EVERY HIGHER BEING COMBINED!!!HOW CAN SOMEONE LIKE YOU DEFEAT ME?!WHAT DO YOU HAVE?!,in a few seconds I'll start healing again and I'll show you true hell!!I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!!YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME!!"shoute F Y/n with a crazed smile as he tried to regenerate

However his face still maintaining a smile didn't understand what was happening


Then the monster started to slowly melt away as it finally went back to being Y/n

"You may be made of all the higher beings in existence but I'm different

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