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A child,wearing pale white clothing and had pale white hair was running in a colorful world,passing the brown trees and the blue fountains

He was running from a man coated in yellow while next to it was a green beast like dog

They were chasing the child

They kept running and running until the dog caught up to the child and bit his leg as he couldn't move anymore

The man who held a gun pointed it at the child

And fired the instrument

The child layed there lifeless as the man and his dog walked away

Then,the childs stomach started to rip open as black beast like hands emerged from his corpse

There were four arms as they slowly revealed a legless four armed beast with long horns and eight white eyes

The beast grabbed the dog,the man didn't move as he was staring at the creature

The dog tried to pull away from the still forming beast

The childs body started to rise up as it entered the beast's body from what looked like a jaw which was under the chin and extended between its ears

The beast ate the dog

The man didn't move

The beast then grabbed the man who did not even bother to resist and ate him whole leaving nothing behind him

The beast started to move away using its arms

Birds started to hang from its horns as he slowly approached the village he came from

He entered the village as no one was paying him no mind,some were even greeting it like it was a little child

The beast entered a house as if it was his and so the night then settled as from afar red bats from the cave were too scared to wonder off because of the beast

White moths were scared of leaving their trees because of the beast

Pale worms were too scared to leave their dirt

Blue spiders where too scared to leave their nests

Green slugs were too afraid to leave their swamps

White trees were too scared to shake their branches

From the house which the beast entered,black smoke started to emerge from the 

The red bats got out of their caves to haunt the villagers

The white moths used their wings to blow the moon away

The pale worms started to invade the dreams of the villagers

The blue spiders started to eat the souls of the villagers

The green slugs started to crawl over the bodies of the villagers making them rot

The white trees started to shake their branches preventing the villagers from sleeping

And as the endless day went on

a butterfly came out of the house of the beast carrying a black egg

In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret

For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met

Under palest watch, you taught, we changed, base instincts were redeemed

A world you gave to human and beast as they had never dreamed

The Beast goes To School Where stories live. Discover now