being the dead weight

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Hornet was in the nursery bed,completely quiet her wounds healed very quickly,but her mind not so much,no matter how many people came in to cheer her up she wouldn't talk even Y/n who has already been there tried but he failed miserably,but then came koro sensei

He opened the door of the room and entered with his usual yellow smile

"Hi there hornet!!I see you're doing good physically!"he said as he sat down next to her

She ignored him as she sat there

"We know that this defeat took a toll on you,you used to be the person who protected the little children and now that Y/n and the others are here it's not you anymore"said koro sensei

Again,she left him with silence

"Or could it be..."he started

She didn't care what he was about what he was going to say next

"'re happy because you won't need to protect the weak siblings that you have"he said

"NO!!that's not it!!"she shouted as she noticed she just talked

"For a moment there I thought that you lost your vocal cords in the battle"said koro sensei

She stayed quiet again

"No need to stay quiet,I'm your homeroom teacher after all,tell me now what bothers you"said koro sensei

She opened her mouth as she then spoke after a while

"The thing is,I remember what I used to be to my siblings

An older sister,a protector,a second teacher and many other things who protects them from all the threats headed their ways

And now that there are all these new students I feel like a dead weight to them all

Like I'm just dragging them down,I think I'm really a reject"said hornet

And so koro sensei who heard everything


She looked at him while his face was pink with a red cross in the middle

"You may not be the strongest anymore and that was settled the moment Y/n stepped in this class but you are still their older sister who they cherish

You're still Y/n's friend,and trust me it's not easy!

You're megumin best friend

and sort of like a little sister to the hardy sisters

Heck even zato comes to ask you about advices every once in a while

You see,everyone in this class forms a still building bridge,but you!

You are the pillar holding this bridge up!

And I'm here to make sure that this bridge never falters

So no matter how many times you lose,always remember that you are loved by your classmates maybe

Your family,because in the end this is who we are to each other"he said as his speech brought her to tears

"Now,don't be ashamed of fighting him once again,if he does accept however"said koro sensei

"What do you mean?"asked him hornet

"Just wait for it"said koro sensei

+++++++++++somewhere else+++++++++

Y/n and jeremiah were standing in front of each other in a deserted section of the school

"So let me get this straight,you want me to have a rematch with the girl I fought yesterday?"asked jeremiah

"Yeah,that's what I want,ever since she lost that fight she hasn't been doing good at all"

"And so you want me to fight her again but go easy on her this time?"asked jeremiah

"No,I want you to fight her again,that's all"said Y/n

"But I won't do this for free,though I apologize if she feels useless,it wasn't my intention,my intention was to fight you,ever since I saw your fight against all those people I wanted to fight you,but this has to wait for another day"said jeremiah

"No,Let's do it right here,right now,and tomorrow you will fight hornet again"

"And how can you be so sure about that?you would need to get the headmistress's approval and the leader's too"

"Don't worry about that..."said Y/n as a tentacle appeared

"...worry about yourself if you don't defend yourself"he said as he attacked him

Jeremiah quickly opened his book and used the nameless king page

+++++++++++++hornet PoV+++++++++++

Hornet heard an explosion go off in the distance,she didn't think it would be who she thought it was

"Is that really him?"she asked about a certain boy

Koro sensei nodded

"I must say,except for hollow

This is the first time I saw him do this for someone,you must be quite dear to him"said koro sensei

She smiled as she realized at all the friends that she has as she then got up and ran out of her room as quickly as possible and to where the explosion occurred to go meet the two before they finished their fight

However,when she arrived at the field of the fight

She saw Y/n burned in a few places and had blues in his face and other places

"What happened?"asked hornet

"We made a deal that if we fought and he won,you two would fight again"he said

Hornet thought because of all the wounds...

"Then that means..."

Y/n smiled a wide smile

"I beat his ass real hard"he said

Hornet,with tears of joy then jumped towards him and hugged him tightly

"I won't disappoint you!!"she said

"It's okay,even if you lose,I'll fight him again and again until you win"said Y/n returning the hug

Hornet let go of him smiling

"I WILL win,just you wait"

Y/n's smile then turned into a serious expression

"But be careful,to defeat him I had to use four tentacles,so you have to be careful"

"Don't worry no matter what,I will win"said hornet

'Yes,tomorrow,I will defeat you Jeremiah,and prove I can still be useful to my brethren'thought hornet ready to fight him once again


Hornet was on her hospital bed sleeping until the next day as she entered the realm of the dreams

She noticed that she was in front of a giant black temple and then her body started to move on it's own

She was running throughout the halls of the temple until she reached the main room and threw her needle at the giant bug with giant horns

The next second it was caught in her silk threads

She then jumped on top of its head and shouted

"GET GU!!"( I know she says something else but we need some seriousness here)

A bug which was previously pinned by the giant bug then started slash it with all of its strength and repeatedly

But then the giant bug grabbed her and threw her in the ground which made the rest of the dream complete darkness


Well,we saw Hornet's take on the dream but we don't know how it ends yet

Oh wait I know

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