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After Z threw Y/n out of the rocket he went to the center of the room where the command pad rose up and he started to alter the trajectory of the rocket

And so the rocket started to fly

"It's time I set things right"he said as he then looked up to see that the rocket was safely travelling to to space

However he didn't realize that the bombs wouldn't implode by themselves and he didn't have anything to ignite them with and that he would end up in space and the army would get him along with the bombs

"Shit I didn't think of this"he said

But then an alarm sounded off in the distance

Th screen showed Y/n holding on to the rocket barely managing to stay in it

Z didn't believe what he was seeing as he held the microphone and shouted

"You little shit what are you doing?!?!"

"I can't let you die!!you can leave the rocket and return without dying!!"said Y/n

"Someone needs to detonate the bombs you idiot!"

"Why do you insist on killing yourself?!?!"

"I can't keep on living the way that I am,the black hand is gone,and someone needs to destroy these bombs!"

"Shut up!how are you planning on destroying them anyways!!"shouted Y/n as they left the atmosphere

Z didn't know what to say

"Listen kid,i have to go back to my family!,and I can't let the continent get these bombs,in both cases someone is going to die and it might as well be me instead of the entire continent"

"But what about the people you abandoned?the ones waiting for you?!"asked him Y/n

"Little kid,if I die tell them I died as a hero,at least this way they will lighten the punishment on my people"

++++++++++++++Y/n PoV++++++++++++

"Are you sure of what you want to do?"I asked him

"Yes I am"

Y/n stayed quiet trying to take it

"Fine how are you going to do that?"i asked 

"I need you to slide down to the reactors and punch it as hard as you can,the oil will pour out resulting in a giant explosion but you'll need to be quick,the oil will light up in four seconds so you will need to dive down into the earth,but I hope that that stamina of yours will be of help for you"

I nodded


Any final words?"I asked

"Tell senkuu he's in charge from now on and that he needs to be strong for the sake of the black hand!"he said

After that I started to slide down the rocket carefully until I reached the reactors

"BURYING PUNCH!"I shouted as I punched the outer shell of the rocket which made oil fall out

I then let go as the rocket exploded

"Goodbye Z"

But something unexpected happened

We forgot to take into account the bombs which resulted in a gigantic explosion which painted the entire sky in a pink and purple light

But as I was still pretty close of the ship I was caught in it as well

"Shit!-"i said before the explosion engulfed me

I felt my entire body burning me

'It can't end like this!It can't!'I thought to myself before I lost consciousness from the heat as I lost my sense of touch and I couldn't feel anything


As ryuko was evacuating all the people out of the facility the next moment the sky turned pink with a hint of purple

She looked up and sarah who was next to her did as well

"Don't tell me"she said

Ryuko didn't listen to her as she started running back to where she last left Y/n

There was a giant hole which had the shape of a rocket launcher

She fell to her knees

"No,please no

NOOOOOO!!!!!!"she screamed in sadness

++++++++++Yggdrasil academy++++++++

the headmistress was sorting out some paper work while shadow was playing in her phone

Suddenly the sky turned pink and purple

Shadow let go of her phone and looked out of the giant window of the headmistress's office

"What is this?!?!"shouted shadow

The headmistress looked out and a frown appeared on her face

"I have a bad feeling about this"she said

"Are you saying that the two students we sent failed?!"asked shadow who was ready to fix the mess

"No they succeeded without leaving a single death on their hand,or maybe not"she said

Shadow looked at the headmistress confused then back at the purple sky

The headmistress then turned around

"Hurry up and show yourself"said the headmistress

Shadow looked at her with curiosity but as she followed the headmistress's gaze it played upon the middle of the room

And from that a small white glowing vine started to emerge from the ground

"What is this?the office is located in the air where no plant can reach it!"remarked shadow

But as the plant grew bigger it reached the ceiling and then a flash of light emerged

Shadow covered her eyes from the light

After the light died down she looked at what appeared before them

Her jaw dropped at what she was seeing

It was a tree lady

It was a tree lady

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