the world of midgard

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The world of midgard is a world made of five continents each with their own countries within them

First the continent of Yggdrasil,a continent in the middle of the world with trade gates with all the other continents

It is regarded as the continent with the most importance because of its position and it's importance in the trading world

It's ruler:the headmistress or otherwise known as the demon witch,despite her title she is more than the headmistress of the presti Yggdrasil academy,she is the rule of the middle continent

The continent of asgard:the continent situated at the north east of the world map

It's known for the safety of the lands and the well behaving of its resident,it's a continent with almost no threats in the continent

It's ruler:the yellow mother,she is known throughout the entire world as a ruler who sees the good in people before judging them,she too has an academy but it isn't near Yggdrasil academy in terms of strength but it is much better in terms of education

The continent of vanaheim:this continent is situated in the south east of the world

It is mostly renown for the level intelligence of its students,the rules in this continent are strict but are all followed by her subordinates

It's ruler:the blue queen:she's a very organized ruler who thinks before acting,her leadership was what led to her continent being a stable economy force

But what they make up for intelligence they lack the power

The continent of Muspelheim:south west of the world

This continent is known to have a military army on par with the Yggdrasil continent as well in the strength of the students living in its academy

It's ruler:the crimson virago she is known throughout the world as a fierce queen who only accept the strong in her academy

They're entire economy is based around their mercenaries who are sent throughout the world to deal with the monsters and threats of this world many call it the country of the barbarians because of their ways of resolving things

The continent of Valhalla:north west of the world

This country is the twin sister of Yggdrasil as it is similar in every way except for the ruler and their way of resolving things

They too,have an academy with the strongest and smartest students but they lack the strategic placement that the Yggdrasil continent has

But they share a very good relation with all of the continents especially Yggdrasil continents what

We talked about the modern civilization but what about the old one?

In the middle of the sea in both poles of the planet exist two giant cracks which are considered to be off-world zones

The reason for that is that an old civilization existed,a civilization that didn't worship any god but rather the darkness itself,however that old civilization dissapeared without leaving a trace of how it all happened but the remains of their kingdoms can still be found

The real problem here are the two cracks

They house a substance which decimates everything in it's way be it living or non living anything that is touched by it dies after weeks of extreme pain and torture

They call it void

Then there's the precursors

Being that come from the underworld along with the grimms and many other monsters

Which is why the academies were founded to protect the continents from these threats

After that there are the four factions of the school

First the chaos faction:a faction where the monsters or hybrid go to as their faction

The leader is named:shadow,goddess of the school

It is the strongest faction in the entire school

After that we have the order faction which is the second strongest

It is composed of solely humans or holy beings

The humans are,people who dream of being heroes and doing righteous deeds

Then the demon faction which is composed of demons and people with demonic powers

The humans are people who want to control everything

Then comes the least strongest of them all,the wisdom faction

It's consistent of all kinds of being just like the chaos but it only accepts humans

They are people with extreme intelligence

And then there are the rejects who are just the cast out of the school with little things to survive on

Every three years a big tournament between all five of the academies of the world occur to see which school has the strongest students

But each school have their own individual contests

Such as war games where two factions fight in a siege battle and the winner gets to do whatever they want to the other faction

Then the tournament of strength where all the students fight against each other to be at the very top of the school and whoever wins gets one of their wishes granted

This is all for now there are plenty more things left to be discovered and who knows what the future'll bring

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