the beast has been unleashed

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The bell rang and so everyone could finally enjoy their vacations and enjoy the summer at full caliber

But they got the exact opposite of what they wanted

The windows shattered and the entity of the school turned black no one could see a thing,they couldn't breathe normally anymore,the usual pure oxygen dissapeared and was much more heavier and became borderline toxic

Everyone was about to black out almost everyone

Hollow was completely unscathed

He was held on a leash in a classroom

Esdeath who was holding him on the leash was caught in the heavy air as well

"What the hell?!"she shouted

Hollow knew what this meant and couldn't help but tear up

"He's coming!!"

Then from a distance two light spots glowed

"GuEsS wHo?"he asked

"You!how dare you!!you will be expelled for this!!"shouted esdeath but then she felt a crushing pain on her stomach

He moved at an incredible speed and kicked her

He bent down to break hollow's collar

Then the darkness dissapeared

"I knew you would come to save me!"he said as he hugged Y/n by his neck

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything,but now,we got a pass to do whatever we want"said y/n

"Really?what would the headmistress say about this?"asked hollow

"She was the one who gave us the pass"

"Hey you!!"Y/n heard a voice he really wanted to hear

He turned around and was met by korah

"You're trespassing in the faction's territory once the headmistress hears about this you will be expelled"she said

"I don't think so"

She turned around and was met by lion cub who held a piece of paper with a signature on it

"This is an official decree stating that the rejects can so whatever they please to anyone as long as the do not hurt the onew who did not commit any act of aggression to them"said senkuu

Then hornet held a pile of papers

"And these papers hold all the names and faces of the people we are free to attack"she said

"I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS!!"she shouted

"Hey flat chest,In case you don't know maybe ryuko should tell you"said Y/n

Ryuko who was on the other side of the room held the same paper as the one that lion cub held

"If the aggressors do not follow these terms they will be expelled from the school"she said

"And there you have it,and I hope you remember what I said right?no matter what you do,I won't stop beating you until I'm satisfied,but just beating you wouldn't be fun,you have the right to defend yourselves"said Y/n

Korah couldn't believe it,how could the headmistress allow this?!she is one of the four leaders!!

"Besides,we outnumber you,in total you are four hundred and four while we are about a thousand"she said

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