hollow bug vs ice maiden

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After days of the headmistress starting to live with us I started to get used to it so you can say that things are good now but for some reason hollow has been looking quite 'hollow' from a,few days ago but every time I ask him he tells me there's nothing wrong

I was next hornet in class as I asked her

"Hey hornet,didn't you notice that there was something wrong with hollow?"I asked

"Now that you mention it he did look pretty 'holl-"

"Don't finish it"i said as she looked down in disappointment as she turned back to me

"I remember seeing him go out one night after what seemed like a nightmare and when he came back he looked alerted"she said

"Quiet in the back!"shouted koro sensei as we quieted down and finished class

After class we saw hollow holding a piece of paper and walking to the reception where he put the paper there

"What could that be?"I asked

Hornet shrugged her shoulders

"I don't know,I never heard of people submitting papers to the reception"said hornet

We both started to think

"What could it be?"

"What are you doing?"asked hollow

We were startled as we both fell down as hornet fell on my back and grimm on my head

Hornet tried to recover from the situation

"We just noticed that you seemed a little gloomy so we wanted to see what was going on"asked hornet

"You could've just asked me"said hollow knight

We all face palmed,why didn't we think of that?

"Anyways I was just submitting a challenge to someone who I desperately want to beat up"he said clenching his fist

"And Who's that?"I asked

He was about to say something but hesitated as then said something different

"You'll see tomorrow"he said before he walked away

I just looked at him walking away

"Well that's new,he wants to settle grudges now"i said

"He's growing up,ever since you came to us he stopped being one of our many siblings,he somehow outshined us all,it's thanks to you"said hornet

"No it's not me

It was bound to happen someday,I just quickened the process"i said

"Guess we don't need to worry anymore"i said as we both returned to our dorm spaces


As I was asleep on top of ryuko and grimm on top of me and the headmistress who took the sofa I woke up by a disturbance

"I feel a disturbance in the void!"I said quietly as I put on my hoodie and put on some pink slippers and then headed out

As I was walking outside walking around trying to understand what was disturbing me I was starting to hear shouting




I walked to the source of the shouting and saw it was hollow who was focusing on something

"Watcha doing?"I asked

He turned around to face me

"Y/n?sorry if I woke you up I was training for my fight of tomorrow"he said

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