the hero vs the beast

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Maaaan why am I still following her?I could destroy it but i don't want to infect someone with void

Even if it's her

She was walking me through the luxurious halls of the chaos faction all happy like while people were giving me weird looks


"Yeah I know,hey you!the kid wants to eat let me go to the canteen"i said

"No can do!there is still a full hour before lunchtime"she said not caring about him

I stopped and was nearly going to punch her

"Listen,you can make fun of me or whatever but if anything happens to this baby

Not even the headmistress can save you"i said menacingly

She stopped and sighed

"You don't understand fo you?I'm your boss,not the baby's"she said

"I'm also your boss you know that?"

We both turned around to see that non other than shadow was standing there

"What is it?"asked lucia

"I don't care about your bodyguard but don't you dare do this with a baby,in this school there is no royalty or things of the sort we're all equal and as your boss I order you to take the child to the canteen and to release Y/n from your chains when his match comes"said shadow before leaving

I just stood there in shock,did she just defend me?she seemed to have a small hint of red on her face but I was quick to ignore it

She walked past me and said coldly

"You may already know that,but I didn't do it for you,I did it for the baby"she said

I looked at her as she walked away

Lucia who didn't look pleased to say the least just sighed and made me follow her to the canteen

But as we were walking there I heard some students gasp and step away

We turned away and it was


It's hollow

He was running while carrying his giant sword

He must have grown a little stronger since last time since he was able to lift it even though he had some difficulty

He tried to cut lucia with a downward slash but she just dodged to the side pulling me in and making me get hit by the sword which made me fall down

"Oh crap!I'm sorry y/n!I didn't want to hit you!"

"It's okay,at least you got better with the sword,how?"I asked him

"Ryuko told me you were going to train me so I decided to do some training beforehand!"he said

I smiled,hollow is possibly the only person who I get along with and trust fully

I still talk with senku and lion cub but I'm not as close to them as I am with hollow

Lucia noticed this and pulled on the chain forcibly making me get up

Hollow looked at her

"Miss you're being a very bad person!that's why you never got any friends"

Ouch,that one gotta hurt!

She stayed silent and just walked away thus taking us to the canteen

+++++++++++later in the arena+++++++++

Here I am again in the arena,this time I was fighting someone from the order faction

"From our left we have Y/n OGA the baby carrying beast!!and from the right from the order faction we have izuku midoriya!!"

We started to walk towards each other,this guy was already taller than me

"Before we start,I just wanted to tell you that I have nothing against you"he said

"Is that all?"

"Yes"he said before walking back to his spot

After we both arrived at our places he took a stance while I remained there

"Let's get this over with"i said


He jumped at me with amazing speed but with my spatial recognition I was able to see him so I dodged to the side and right as I did he kicked me but i blocked it and caught his leg and started to spin him around before i threw him away

As he was flying he flicked his fingers which caused a huge gusts of wind to hit me but i stayed on my ground but the entire arena was covered in the sand of its floor

'He's trying to blind me'

"*cough* *cough*"I heard coughing

It was grimm

"CRAP!!"I cursed

I fused my hands with voids and with one swift movement the sand flew into the seats

I then grabbed grimm and started tapping his back

"Hey you okay?don't scare me like that I said"

After coughing and having a tear in his eyes from the sand grimm just gave me a thumbs up

I just smiled as he then crawled back go my back

"I'm sorry!I didn't think of your kid!I'm really sorry!"he said

"The concern is much appreciated but this isn't the place for that"i said

"R-right!"he said before taking another stance this time I heard him say something

"One for all full cowling

50%!"he said before coming at me with greater speed than before but as he reached me he jumped as he was right in front of me

I looked up to see that he was in the air this time

"Full cowling 100%

Detroit smash!!"he shouted as he punched the air but I just smiled

Crystals formed around me as I waited for a bit for it to charge as more appeared and then when the attack was about to reach me i was propelled to the other side at the speed of lightning

Then I used my monarch wings which expanded into six wings resembling those of a bug to reach him and then as I was in front of him

"Checkmate"i said as i then punched him really hard in the guts which made him pass out but also hit the wall really hard

And so I won with the cheering of my class

But the celebrations were cut short as I then felt a chain around my hand yet again

"You won,it's all nice and all but I have to get going and I can't leave without my bodyguard"she said

What a way to ruin the mood

I could feel the death glares from my class but I just looked at them with a look of 'forget it'

And so I left while following her

++++++++++headmistress PoV+++++++++

As I watched lucia leave with Y/n I couldn't help but ask myself

"One thing I know for sure is that no matter how much longer she holds him on a leash,he will eventually get sick of it and stop her masquerade

The question being,when is that going to happen?"I asked myself


I don't know about all of you but from both the stories I made hollow is by far my most favorite character,anyone else agree?

The Beast goes To School Where stories live. Discover now