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For whatever reason it was for, the crew members' actions had grown suspicious. Whether it was deliberately keeping short conversations with you, or trying to steer clear of you altogether, it was clear something was going on in their close-knitted circle.

It pained you to be treated this way, especially when you believed you had finally been accepted onto the ship. You had been working on with your sewing, and helping others on the ship whenever it was asked. So, why in two days time, was everyone acting strangely?

Although their actions were subtle (other than growing wide-eyed and walking in the opposite direction of you at times), you were quick to pick up on them. They were still kind, but it was a kindness that contrasted from the one you were once accustomed.

The soft winds kissed your cheeks as you wistfully closed your eyes. You escaped to the quarterdeck, one of the places where not many members will pass by unless a certain task calls for it. You enjoy the peaceful atmosphere that surrounds you, allowing it to bring you to a melancholy state.

The mixture of the sun's beams nurturing your skin as well as the time that passes begins to make you drowsy. You're on the brink of fully dozing off when Jaemin's shouts startles any sleepiness you once had.

Your figure perks up as you strain yourself to hear what he was hollering away at. The words "Land ahoy!" are what is picked up and you stumble to your feet to verify his proclamation for yourself. Your feet carry you to the the ship's side, arms bracing themselves against the railings. You're leaning as far as you can over the brass railing, fingers gripping tightly around it.

The smile that had appeared was now faltering as you took a good look at the land ahead. It was at that moment that you finally understood why the crew, and Jeno especially, acted so distant towards you.

They were taking you home.


Renjun was unable to stop you from barging into Jeno's quarters, his failed attempts of trying to coax you trailing behind your fiery strides. Your words are strewing before your hand has the time to slam the door open.

"How could you," you began, ignoring the bugged state of Jisung's stare as you point an accusing finger to the perpetrator at hand, "after... after everything that's happened. This is what you do?"

Jeno avoids your intense stare, going back to the interrupted conversation he was having with his crew member. "You will be escorting Y/N to the courthouse. Claim you and your father found her after her boat was lost to sea."

"Will they believe that, Captain?" the younger asked, shrinking away from your hotted gaze.

"No, they won't. Because I'm not getting off this ship."

Ignoring you once more (which sends a heart-wrenching your way, mind you), Jeno answers, "They shouldn't ask too many questions once they find out who she is. Her father probably put a reward up for it. It's up to you if you want to collect it or not."

You audibly gasp, and your hand reaches out to grab at Jeno's cloth-covered arm. "Stop acting as if I'm not here and explain to me what's going on. Why was this decided all of a sudden?"

Finding this his queue to leave, Jisung is quick to flee the scene with Renjun hot on his heels, closing the door behind him in his hurry.

It's now that he finally decides to look at you, and for a moment, you wish he hadn't. "We had an agreement in the beginning, remember? We don't need your services anymore."

As they registered in your head, his words were twisted to reveal their true meaning. We don't need you. You weren't sure what you were feeling at the moment, but you had a sense of comparing it to a heartbreak you're experiencing for the first time.

You sound defeated as you utter out, "Is that really it?"

"We've arranged for your departure within the hour of docking. We'll be on land soon, in the next half hour or so. If you'd like to say goodbye, now is the time." He shakes your hand off, triggering the stringing in your eyes to appear. Jeno brushes pass you, gently bumping your shoulder in the process.

"Jeno," you barely whisper out, the shock still in its full effect.

It was as if you were dreaming right now. Your body was beginning to grow numb from the clenching of both your stomach and chest. You see him stiffen, first by the squaring of his shoulders then down to the clenching of his fists, at your weakened tone, but he makes no move to turn back to you.

You clench your own hands, allowing your nails to create crescents into their respective palms. "Pirates truly are the worse, after all."

He's silent for a moment, most likely processing the amount of verbal hate you've just spat at him.

But all too soon, he answers, "I trust you can find yourself out."


You find yourself feeling the same melancholiness as earlier mixing itself with dejection, anger but most of all, abandonment. The whole ordeal didn't seem real, yet here you were, being led by Jisung to the courthouse. After Jeno's final words to you, all fighting strength within you had escaped and you were now following orders despite every ounce in your being telling you not to.

Although you had ill feelings towards them, you decided to still say bye to the boys you had believed were once close to you. You could see some hold back tears, for reasons unknown to you since they were the ones throwing you away. Chenle had been the one to give you a firm hug, and you couldn't help but return it for the sake of his sanity.

The walk to the courthouse was a brisk one, with neither you or Jisung uttering a single word to one another. What was there to say at a time like this, anyway? After he exchanges you off for reward money, he'll be heading back to their ship that was hidden from the Navy guards.

"They'll recognize you," you find yourself saying. "Aren't you worried of that?"

"No." Jisung shakes his head. "Captain and the others have a higher bounty than I do. There's probably little to no areas who know what I look like."

You're back to being quiet with each other up until you are at the courthouse's stone steps. You notice the slight hesitation he faces when debating on entering the building until he finally steps foot in, with you glumly following close behind.

You're quiet during Jisung's introduction of who you two are. You're quiet as he explains your fake story, only nodding here and there for confirmation when needed. You're quiet when the Navy officer hands Jisung the reward your father had put out. You're even quiet when Jisung sends you one last mourning look and takes his exit, leaving you forever behind.

"Let's get you back home now, Missus. I'm sure you must be worn to the bone from the unfortunate events that you faced." The officer's kind smile sickens you to the core. How air-headed did he need to be to believe those pirates' story?

The dreaded time had come where you were escorted to your father's estate. You could feel the apprehension crawling within as you watched the officer announce your arrival. The door opens, revealing the devil himself.

"Welcome home, daughter of mine." Your father's pressed smile was anything but welcoming. "Why don't we go freshen up and we can discuss your behavior over a nice lunch your mother was kind enough to prepare?"

Your father's head butler escorts you back to your prison of a room and softly shuts the door once he confirms you have nowhere to hide. You find yourself stumbling towards your vanity, taking in the rugged-looking girl that is you.

You firmly place the back of your hand against your mouth when you felt your shoulders begin to shake and your body wrack with sobs, as you allowed yourself to finally cry. 

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