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Pressed against Jeno's chest, you felt the warmth emanating off him. But the feeling alone was not enough to soothe the rapid pounding of your heart as you all awaited the Sea Witch's response. Jeno had her under his thumb, and there was little she could do to escape it. You were on the side of victory, and hoped it would stay this way.

"Truly a fool for his men until the very end," she finally grips out. "To go this far, to surface the wrath of one of the sea's creations... to what avail?"

No one answers her, and after realizing she will not be receiving a response from the crew, she continues on.

"I will grant your wishes."

Under the touch of your hand, you felt Jeno's chest withdraw in response to a large exhale he released. Relief washes over you as you pressed yourself further into Jeno's side, eyes momentarily fluttering shut.

"On one final condition."

For the love of -

"Must I remind you that you are in no position for a negotiation?" Your Captain exemplifies his words by pressing the sword's tip further into the orb.

Moira physically shudders in reaction, a growl resonating from deep within her chest. "I am simply offering a substitution for your second proposal. I am unable to fulfill it."

You breath stutters at the same time Jeno's grip loses its tightness around you. You wanted to speak up, ask her - no, demand - why she couldn't lift the curse after just agreeing to do so. To Hell with it all, you wanted to shove Jeno's hand just enough to have the sword pierce her godforsaken orb.

Your eyes grazed over the boys, taking in their vexed reactions. Surely their thoughts were similar to your own.

Just kill her. Kill the Sea Witch.

Your fingers twitched when you glanced at Jeno's occupied hands. Just one little push... and this could all be over.

Seemingly knowing what you were thinking, Jeno removes you from the safety of his embrace in order to shield the orb from your eyes.

"Are you going back on your word?" He questions the Sea Witch.

"I shall repair your ship instead." Moira continues on as if she wasn't questioned. "I will not give you gems, nor any treasure that will help gain you riches. Mankind is much too spoilt as it is."

"I want my curse lifted." Jeno grits out, his tone threateningly low. "I want the years that have been stolen from me, and your word of my crew's safety."

Silence stretches between the two. Both sides were beginning to lose patience with the other, it was only a matter of time before one would snap. If fate was on your side, Jeno would be able to act quicker than this creature.

"I cannot lift a curse that has already been broken." She finally sighs out. "You, yourself, should have known this much. After all, I was clear on its contents and what would have needed to be done in order for the curse to be lifted."

Jeno's face contorts into a mixture of confusion, grief, and incredulity. The fingers that were latched on the sword's hilt first falter in their grip, then loosen altogether. The weapon drops to the floor with a disturbingly loud clang.

"That would mean... But, it's not - there's just no way!" he roars out, face red with sudden rage. "You mean to tell me my curse no longer exists? I don't believe that - I don't believe you."

"I am not forcing you to believe my words. I'm merely stating what I am observing. I don't sense my magic in you, so the only clear explanation would be that someone has broken my hex."

Jeno's breaths come in short bursts as his mind kicks into high-drive in order to process this information. For who knows how long; his days had no longer been limited, and the internal suffering along with the night terrors he suffered were all in vain.

He was vulnerable at this moment, stripped bare with his emotions dancing on full display for his crew mates. It was a moment of pure weakness, and you felt your own chest constrict at seeing him in pain.

You tenderly lay your hand against his back, knowing you wouldn't be much help in this situation but it was an effort to let him know that it was okay to act like this. Your sudden touch makes Jeno turn towards you only to grip your wrist with his non-occupied hand.

His irises waver as he silently searches your face for an answer. His hold momentarily tightens and your eyebrows furrow in response. It wasn't enough to hurt you, but it was uncomfortable to be held in such a way. His voice is barely past a whisper, "Do I happen to...?"

"Cap-Captain, I think you're hurting her." Jisung's call lands on deafened ears.

"Now, now, Captain." Moira chides in her rooted spot. Her glimmering teeth make another appearance as she dryly laughs. "I'm afraid no one here understands what you are talking about. Only you and I know the conditions, remember?"

Jeno doesn't respond but instead continues to stare you down, as if the answer he is looking for would appear. You're utterly confused on what is going on, and all you can really understand is that you are the possible reason for lifting his curse. Deep, deep down, you are undeniably happy to hear this.

"Well, I may as well speak of it freely, considering the terms have been reached." The Sea Creatures muses.

"Love is a selfless, humane thing many humans desire in their life. Your Captain was a selfish man for wanting what others had in their possession, so this was most befitting for him." She takes a moment to wave a hand towards you two, gesturing for all eyes to befall on your forms.

"In order for your dear Captain's life to be saved, he would have to love someone, and expect nothing in return."

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