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Your heart thrummed quickly as you tried to take everything in. Renjun and you were kidnapped by Sirens, brought to their island, and now you stood before Moira, their Sea Witch. You anticipated to get into some sort of trouble because after all, you were with pirates.
But you never thought it would be this kind of trouble.

"Sea Witch is very taboo amongst my kind," her voice is as smooth as silk, and for reasons unknown, this disturbs you. "I'm simply a being that resides peacefully in her claimed  territory."

She moves towards you, her feet gliding on nothing as the distance between you closes. Despite your inner turmoil, you square off your shoulders in an attempt to mask your fear of her.

"And I'm afraid... you've trespassed." Moira's smile twists to a menacing one. Dread overwhelms you while Renjun grasps onto your arm, yanking you to stand behind him. "I am one to usually forgive such things-"

"Bullshit," you spit out. Stepping away from your crewmate, "You cursed Jeno."

The look of bewilderment Renjun sends you doesn't go unnoticed, but your heated stare is focused on the sea creature. You'd have to ask for Chenle's forgiveness later for letting one of the boys finally find out that you knew.

"With justified reason, my dear naive girl." Moira chides, demeanor unnerved from your cursing at her. "You see, that Captain and his crew had intentions of stealing treasure that is protected on this island. And for that, he was cursed for the selfishness that was portrayed."

You're struck speechless. What words could you say to her after that? There was no way of justifying the act of stealing unless intentions were good, but they weren't in this case.

"I gave him time to redeem himself worthy of living until his aged days, but I knew that from the moment of casting the curse on him, his efforts would prove futile." She continues on. "What human would possibly care for such a man?"

Moira notices the hardness your eyes take on, and she grins, clearly amused with what she's seen. "Ah, unless..."

You felt the burning stare of Renjun, whose attention had been fixed on you during the entire exchange. If the fish wasn't off the hook before, it was surely now.

"You gave him no time at all."

"I'm sure he's had the time to figure out something - it seems to look that way." She calmly replies, clearly unbothered by how vexxed you were.

Pure rage has taken over you at this point, leaving your mind to be unclear of your body's actions because you were now taking a step towards the sea creature. Renjun takes ahold of you once more, urging you to stop and get behind him.

"My apologies for being offensive," Moira hums, tilting her head to the side. "You humans are so easily wounded by mere words. If you are to be hurt... Why, shouldn't it be by physical injuries?"

Keeping true to her words, Moira lunges forward, grasping the torso area of Renjun's shirt. With seemingly little effort, she tosses him to the side, the sickening sound of his head colliding against the ground.

"Renjun!" The cry you let out is shrilling. The brief lapse of concentration directed away from her was enough to allow the Sea Witch to continue her attack.

Air escaped you as Moira approached you with unspeakable speed. Her hand was outreached, directed towards her target - your throat. The wave of pain that followed after contact was burning. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes while you were lifted from the ground, forcefully being brought a foot higher.

Her nimble fingers clenched against your throat, squeezing your jugular. You let out a suffocated cry, trying to gulp in any amount of air for your suffering lungs. You futilely clawed at her hand but quickly realized there was no escape from her deathly grip.

You look to Renjun's figure, momentarily forgetting that he wouldn't be able to help you. The blood that seeped from his head's wound sent you into a greater frenzy. Your eyes began to glaze over and your vision momentarily darkened, small black dots beginning to make their appearance.

Moira's grip suddenly loosens, followed closely behind her piercing wail of affliction. You're able to squirm out of her remaining hold and fall to the floor in a crumpled heap. As you gasp for gulpfuls of air, you tilt your head up to see what's caused her pain.

At the entrance, standing in all their savioring glory, was Jeno and his crew. Everyone had their respectful weapons, save for Mark, who you assume was the one to wound Moira.

Jeno gestures for his crew to stay in their spots, a voiceless command of "don't interfere". Twirling his cutlass in his hand, he moves towards you both, his eyes focused on your injured figure.

"It seems we have unfinished business that needs to be tended to." Jeno remarks, as he positions his sword outward, its gleaming steel providing a path to a vulnerable spot.

"Now, there is no need to be so hostile towards me, Captain Jeno. We are acquaintances, after all." Her tone hit an octave lower, unsettling you.

Your hand unconsciously made its way to your tender throat, gingerly guarding the sore area. You were rooted to your spot, in fear of her attacking you once more despite Jeno's entrance.

"I've no time to associate with the ones who prove useless to me." Jeno smoothly returns. The tip of his cutlass was directed at her throat, yet she was unfaltered by it.

"I'm sure I'm a special case, then, seeing as I can take away the one thing that is troubling you these days." The Sea Witch laughs airily, forefinger gently poking the cold steel of his blade.

Jeno's resolve seems to waver for a moment. "At what cost?"

"A life, of course. I can't simply give you back your peace without gaining something in return." Moira's smile is twisted, and you felt a familiar sickness settling into your stomach.  Jeno pushes his weapon forward only for it stop centimeters from the area between her eyes. Moira's finger was the only thing keeping that distance. "Mhm, bad temper indeed."

You gasped, despite the pain that followed in your throat, as an unseen force brings Jeno to his knees. The Sea Witch bristles with annoyance as she leers at the man. He lets out a painful grunt as his fingers are forced apart, compelling him to drop his cutlass.

"Maybe I should withdraw my offer and take your life at this very moment." She maliciously threatens, crouching down to graze his right cheek with the back of her hand.

The trauma your throat suffered denied you the ability to speak, allowing only whimpers and cries to come out. Your adrenaline found its way back into your system, and the rate of your heartbeats increased.

Was Jeno going to die in front of you? The thought was terrifying enough but to go as far as witnessing the action, you weren't sure where that would leave your mentality at.

"W-wait!" Your eyes enlarged as they fell on who cried out.


Your feeling of dread only seemed to sink deeper, letting itself pool at the pit of your stomach and making the organ its newfound home as he utters his next words.

"Take mine."

Cutlass | Jeno x Reader | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now