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Jeno was, indeed, being shy. So shy, in fact, he had taken up the habit of avoiding you. Again. You were determined to not relive the same event twice and therefore, decided to take it upon yourself to confront him.

You initially allowed him to keep his distance from you. Maybe he just needed to clear his thoughts and allow the realization of his curse being lifted to sink in. At least, that's what you would tell yourself.

When you couldn't find your beloved Captain, you spent your time nursing Renjun back to health and keeping him company inside the infirmary. During most of your visits, he was unconscious, and sometimes unresponsive, which worried you greatly in the beginning. According to Haechan, he slept similarly to the dead, so this eased the tension in your shoulders greatly.

In the rare moments he was awake, he asked how everyone was holding up, especially you. It seemed that everyone grew a softer spot for you, if they hadn't done so already. You were constantly being asked how your health was, physically and mentally. Although you appreciated the concern, you were starting to feel smothered. There's only so many times you could be asked how you were doing before you lost your mentality.

Your current attention was focused on reviving the blouse you had worn during the sirens' attack. It had numerous tears in it and one of the sleeves had nearly been ripped off from its threading, but it was too nice of an article to throw away.

Behind the door of your closet slash workshop, the sound of paced steps could be heard. Whoever was out in the hall had been doing this for some time now, and you initially believed the person was moving things to somewhere down the hall. But the sound of their walking never faded, indicating they were hovering near your working space.

"Whoever is out there, please feel free to come in." You finally call out, picking up a pair of scissors to cut the thread you were working through your blouse. "I'm fully dressed, if that is what's stopping you."

They stumble before halting their actions, causing you to muffle a giggle. Setting aside your work, you ease yourself out of your stool. It must be Chenle coming to apologize for what he had done earlier in the day.

Pulling the door open reveals that it is not Chenle who is standing in the hall, but your Captain. There is a brief moment where you find yourself staring into his eyes before your own travel upwards, growing wide at the color of his hair.

Growing embarrassed with his image, Jeno reaches up to hold a few darkened strands. "I swear this is not intentional."

The ashened white color his hair once was had been overtaken by a darker hue of brown in the form of scattered patches and had fully taken over his roots.

"I'm sure it looks ridiculous," he sighs out as he trails his fingers through the strands, moving them away from his face.

"It looks decent enough." You timidly let out, hoping he would catch your humor despite your tone. Upon instinct, you raise your hand to reach for the soft tuft of hair but stop yourself mid-way.

Jeno grasps your hand with his own, guiding it to his discolored tresses. Your fingers curl against the shape of his head as he presses his hand firmly against yours, forcing you to keep your hold.

"Ever since the curse was removed, my hair's slowly going back to its natural color." He explains, holding your gaze. "The white appeared around the same time we had our first encounter with the sirens."

"I should have known it wasn't natural." You muse softly.

Jeno brings his free hand to caress your cheek and you stiffen in response. "I," he clears his throat, seemingly trying to find the right words, "I missed you."

"I've been on the ship all this time." A small hint of venom is laced with your words. "You're the one who was in hiding."

"And I apologize for that."

"You've apologized for many things, Jeno." You reply, tilting your head away from his touch.

"I know, and I'd like to take responsibility for all the unfavorable actions I've done, especially the ones that have hurt you." He reaches for your cheek once more and you allow him to make the contact despite yourself.

His hand trails to the back of your head before he pulls you towards him, capturing you in an embrace. You stifle the gasp that threatened to escape you. You allow yourself to indulge in his warmth before you try to pull away from him.

"You can't keep doing this, Jeno." You force yourself to escape his arms, resting your hands on his chest. "I'm... You're making me confused. One moment you are pushing me away, and the next I find out that you love me - and it isn't directly from you, but a stupid sea creature instead! And before I can tell you that I think I love you too, you're back to pushing me away!"

Your hands had balled into fists and the burning in your eyes increased with each passing second. You had prepared yourself to confront him, so why was there such an aching sensation consuming your chest right now?


"I just need some kind of sign, a small glimmer of hope; just something that's going to let me know that you're willing to give me at least some of your time. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this charade of being unaffected when you ignore me. I just -"

Your next words are muffled by the brief brushing of Jeno's lips. He halts his actions, waiting for your reaction. Feeling the tile of your chin directed at him, he takes a brief second to grin before leaning further until your lips meet each other's once more.

It was soft and slow, and comforting in ways that words could never be. His hand rested below your ear, mimicking the one you had laid beside his own. His thumb caressed your cheek as your breaths mingled.

All the times he had watched your mouth while you talked, laughed, and frowned - Jeno never imagined how inviting and warm your lips could actually be. When you pull away from one another, he presses his forehead against yours, unwilling to let you stray far from his touch.

"I've been wanting to do that for some time, but we were always interrupted." He's smiling so sweetly, and his eyes are gleaming with genuine happiness, that you have no choice but to forgive his idiocy.

You couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of you, and found a sudden wetness in the corners of your eyes. He gingerly wipes them away, an action he's repeated more than once before.


You hum in response, peering up at him. His cheeks are dusted in the loveliest shade of pink with his ears matching closely in color.

"I love you."


Author's Note:

I've finally done it. It only took 28 chapters but Jeno has finally admitted his feelings aloud. Way to go, Champ. 

I initially had no plans on touching Cutlass until mid-term season was over, but my grandparents, unfortunately, were just tested positive with COVID a few days ago, so it's been quite tough for my family and I. And I needed an escape from the stressful events of family and school, so voila, chapter 28 is here.

I hope everyone has been doing well and keeping safe during this pandemic. I know it's been quite hard to have to accommodate to the ever-changing rules and regulations, but at the end of the day, it's nice to know that my readers are okay and keeping healthy

Cutlass | Jeno x Reader | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now