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There was a brief moment where you took in all around you. The fighting that was going on was unsettling and alien to someone like you. For all the time you've been with Jeno's crew, it was only now that you realized this is the reality of pirates.

If you removed the part of sirens out from the equation, this was what it meant to be a pirate. The untimely battles, the unsurety of who will come out alive and whether they're unscathed or hanging onto the last threads of life. You couldn't leave out the part of running from Navy guards.

You were prepared for all of this. Tangled, body-wrecking nerves and all.

Confirming that Jeno wasn't going to die from his injury gave you a sense of adrenaline. You had no clue where it was coming from but you were surely not going to complain at its timely arrival.

Looking back at Jeno for one final burst of motivation, you push yourself to stand on your feet.

"I'll look after Jeno." Renjun confirms with a nod. He was already tearing off a piece of his own shirt to provide pressure against the wound. "He won't die from it, but losing this much blood is still worrisome at the end of the day."

You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing your fears and worrying into a bottle for the time being. While reopening them, you let out a shaky exhale of breath. Wiggling your fingers to rid the last remnants of anxiousness. Okay Y/N, let's do this.

Your legs feel unsteady and numb, painfully sore, but this does not stop you from dashing towards Jeno's abandoned cutlass. The weapon felt foreign in your hand, it's weight laying heavily in your clenched hand; never once in your twenty years of living did you expect to hold such a thing.

The battle between your crew and the Sea Witch appeared to be neck-to-neck, and you were unable to decipher who was currently winning. Moira was powerful, you found this from the first moment of her attack on Jeno. But now, as she faced off the five crewman, it dawned on you just how strong she truly was.

You knew there was no chance of surviving a sword fight of your own with her. There must be another way of defeating a sea creature. There had to be another way. An idea, one that sounded too crazy to even try, wormed its way into your mind. Your eyes latched themselves onto the calming waters of the pond - its clear, motionless surface undisturbed. For now.

Pairing your idea with actions, you rush towards the pond and land swiftly on your knees, scraping the skin in the purpose. Forcing past the momentary wince, you lean over the water, gazing into its hidden contents. Your eyes grow in size and your breath falters simultaneously upon seeing what was laying atop the white, smooth sand.

A crystal-like orb, that was no larger than the palm of your hand, held pink mist that shaped itself into a heart. The sight of the object was captivating and no jewel you've seen could ever compare to its beauty. The realization that this could potentially be the Sea Witch's heart was another factor that sent your mind reeling.

Shakily, you reached into the water, breaking its surface with your trembling fingers. They curl around the orb, pressing it against your palm in a protective manner. Despite the water's coolness, the orb is warm, and your stomach twists at the fact it's pulsing. Upon firmly gripping it, a blood curdling wail sounds behind you.

You hastily turn around out of shock, looking at the Sea Witch's form crumpling forward as The Sword of Tod falls out of her hand with a loud clang. The boys had backed off, undoubtedly feeling just as appalled from the sudden outburst.

Through her pain, Moira twists in her spot to look at you, eyes flaring with pure rage. You break out into a cold sweat at the intense look. She looked murderous, and you knew she was capable of doing just so.

"What are you doing?!" her screech reaches you in the form of chills, forcing you to break out into goosebumps and making the hair on your arms stick out. "Put it back! Give it back!"

She's lunging herself towards you before you have the time to react; with her arms raised before her and hands reaching out for any part of you she can tear off.

"Y/N!" You're not sure who had called out to you. It wasn't the most pressing matter in need of your attention at the moment because there was a Sea Witch lurching at you with ungodly speed.

Finding that you had no time to move away, you brace your arms in front of you in a feeble attempt at shielding a portion of her attack. Your eyes shut, unwilling to watch her face as she moves closer. Moira finally comes into contact with you, clawed fingers curling themselves into the skin of your forearms. The force of her body colliding with yours sends you tilting backwards. 

You let out a painful cry as you fall into the water, Moira close in tow. 


Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

Thank you so much for supporting Cutlass thus far (it's not done, don't worry!!). I read every single comment that's posted, and appreciate every one of them. Especially the funny, meme ones. 

See you in the New Year!

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