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Despite all that was happening, it felt like time had stopped. Your quivering eyes found themselves latching their view onto Chenle. Although his voice was full of confidence, there was no mistaking the trembling of his tightly clenched fists.

The smile you had grown fond of was nowhere to be found on his stoic face - the expression he adorned was one you've never seen on him before, and it settled uncomfortably within you. From the expressions of the members behind him, you could tell it was a first sighting for them too.

"My, what a pleasant twist," Moira's voice sounded like it was being submerged underwater.

You felt like you were being engulfed in water again. The dread that was washing over you was enough to be drowning, and you felt completely hopeless.


Why couldn't you get up and protect your friends? The pain throbbing from your throat was a clear reminder of how powerless you were compared to the others, and you felt the pricking of new tears that were beginning to form.

"Chenle." Jeno's warning was cut short from a pained gasp. Terrified, you watched him bend forward, hands braced before him, as Moira helps herself to a fistful of his white locks.

"Now, now, Captain, let the boy speak for himself." She chides, using the same tone of a mother to her child. She pushes his head further to the ground before letting go, "Stay there if you know what's best for you."

Knuckles whitening, Jeno remained silent. The thought of losing a crew member to a horrendous such as this bitch angered him. But the fact of not being able to rise to his feet and fight this battle himself was the true source of his anger.

"I'll give my life for Captain's if you agree to let everyone leave this island." Chenle explains, his gaze fixated on Jeno's crumpled form.

"And why should I make this trade?" she questions, ever-so-slowly gliding over to come face-to-face with the trembling boy. "What makes you think your life is as worthy as your Captain's?"

Chenle, at a loss for words, stands momentarily dumbfounded before her. Her unexpected question and the close distance she is keeping sent him off the rail. It takes a few seconds for him to collect himself and his thoughts, "I don't think that... But I'd do anything to help him. I couldn't two years ago, so I want to redeem myself by doing this small favor my generous Captain."

You opened your mouth, despite the pain or whatever vocal outcome, you prepared yourself to shout.

"Chenle, stop it!" Jisung had beaten you to it. The youngest of the bunch pulled the back of his friend's shirt, reeling him away from the Sea Witch. "You aren't dying on us!"

"No one is." Mark agrees, positioning himself into a fighting stance, weapon presented in front of him.

You gazed in amazement at the sight, feeling a sense of relief over the fact the boys would not be backing down and, just like during dinner for the last remnants of supper, would not be giving up so easily.

"Humans have always fascinated me. Whether for their curiosity or indolent activities. But if there is one thing that I have never been able to fully grasp," Moira pulls back, her expression hardening. You felt a cold breeze, making even your insides shiver. "How can self-proclaimed intelligent and evolutionary creatures be so utterly weak-minded?"

The Sea Witch raised her hand and with this simple gesture, a rumbling sound followed.

"What the -" Haechan uttered, causing everyone to follow his gaze towards the pond.

The water rippled rapidly as its surface broke away, revealing a glimmering, gold shortsword. The handle was encrusted with gems that varied in both color and size. One look at it left you encaptured - enthralled by its beauty.

"That's-!" Haechan cut his sentence short, unable to believe what they were looking at.

"Indeed it is," Moira confirms, "it is the Sword of Tod."

As if hearings it name, the sword whisks itself towards Moira's opened, waiting hand. The handle laid comfortably within her palm as she clenched her fingers around it.

"You tried stealing this from us two years ago." Her voice is a sudden calm, yet it was unsettling to hear under these circumstances. "Now, if you wish to so badly have it once more... You must pay with your lives." She brandishes the sword before her, aiming its tip towards the closest member - Jaemin. "Prepare to die."

For the second time, time slowed and as the scene before you unfolded, you let out a shriek of horror that was sure to add damage to your vocal chords. You weren't aware of Jeno's actions, and you didn't think to check back on him during Chenle's interaction with the Sea Witch.

And because of this, you were forced to witness Jeno throw himself in front of Jaemin as a last attempt at trying to protect someone on the crew. Your blood ran cold upon seeing the golden sword twist its way into his abdomen following closely behind the anguished cries of his crew mates.

As the air, and possible life, escaped him, Jeno slumped back, allowing Moira's weapon to slip out of him with a sickening squelch. This action opened a gateway for panic to ensue throughout everyone, watching their Captain collapse to the floor with an echoing thud, landing in a growing pool of his blood.


I've re-written the beginning of this chapter THREE times now bc my laptop restarted the first time, and short-circuited the second time *insert clown emoji bc THAT'S WHAT I AM* 

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