Chapter 7

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Audrey and Chad made their way towards Evie's cottage to see if they can kill the Chimera. "Uh, Audrey?" Chad said. "What?" "Why did we decide to join this? We could've stayed in the castle and wait for everyone else to do the hard stuff." Chad said earning a look from Audrey. "We are doing this because we need to help our friends." She told him and he shrugged. "So, you read more about the Chimera before the ball. Anything good?" Chad asked. "Well I read more about it. Turns out it's a female, is actually an offspring of the two that Zeus said, Echinda and Typhon. It also said that if it appeared it's a bad omen but that's for sailors, I hope." She said. "Oh well that-" "It also breathes fire and can breathe it like a long range." Audrey said before he finished. "What?! We're screwed. We got sword from the armory not bows!" Chad said getting a slap from Audrey. "Calm down! Listen, yes we don't have nothing with reach but maybe Evie has something at her place. Then we might stand a chance, I think." She said nervously.

They arrived at the cottage and saw it was dark and empty. The sun was starting to come up seeing as they all left the castle at night after the ball. The pair looked around to see if the Chimera was around. "Alright, it's not around lets go and check out Evie's place." Audrey said making her way into the house. "Look for anything that we could throw at it." Chad and Audrey split up looking for stuff. They looked through the entire house. Chad found kitchen knives and he tied one up to a long piece of ribbon. Audrey on the other hand was looking at the designs that were hanged up. She then found a wide fabric piece that looked like a picnic blanket. 'This could be useful.' She thought to herself. Some noises where heard from upstairs like it was something big. "Found anything upstairs Chad?" She asked with Chad's head popping out of the doorway. "I'm in the kitchen." He said. She looked at him and then went in front of the stairs. "Hello!" Chad said and Audrey slapped him in the arm. "Idiot! What if it's the thing?" She said getting 'Oh' from him. They heard loud footsteps and then saw a goat's head come through the door. "Oh, it's just a goat. Hey there little guy." Chad said about to go up before Audrey pulled back to her. "It had two head's remember. A Goat and a-" " Lion." Chad finished as the second head went through the door. It roared and then started to open it's mouth. Audrey pulled Chad into Evie's design room as a large fire came through the door and burned papers and pieces of fabric. "Evie's gonna be pissed." Chad said as he and Audrey ran out through the door.

They ran and looked back to see the Chimera jump through the glass windows. They started running away from the cottage and see it chasing after them. Chad stopped and faced the Chimera as it stood feet's away. He pulled out the long ribbon he tied to a knife. "What in the world is that?" Asked Audrey. "It's a weapon that will end it." Chad said with a sly smile. He started spinning it over his head and Audrey got down. He threw at the Chimera but it missed. "That missed by a long shot." Audrey said plainly as it started opening its mouth. She looked back and saw Chad already running and then she caught up to him with the Chimera on their tail. Audrey grabbed one of Chad's knives and stopped to throw it. "Oh my god!" She said causing Chad to turn. "I actually hit it!" The knife she threw struck one of the lion's eye. "Throw another one to the goat." Chad said giving her one more. She threw it and it hit one of the eye's on the goats head. It started to roar in pain. They took out the swords on their hips that they took from the armory. "I'll cover it with this and go for the tail." Audrey said and she threw the blanket onto the Chimera. "Careful it's an actual snake!" Chad told her. She went towards the back of the Chimera as it tried to take of the large fabric she threw on it. The snake was trying to bite her but once it went for a bite she swung her sword and cut off it's tail. The cover came off as it roared and Chad stabbed it through the ribs. It dropped and went limp before whimpering for a bit until it stopped. "Oh my god! We did it ha ha!" Chad and Audrey said and hugged while laughing. They looked at the Chimera and saw it glow before evaporating into gold dust. "Whoa. Come on. Let's head back." Audrey said and they left. 

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