Chapter 10

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Lonnie and Carlos walked for a good 3 days trying to look for Echidna. They searched anything up on Echidna on the walk to see if they could fine any information. "So how do you think we are supposed to take down a monster that is half woman, half snake that it took an 100 eyed giant to kill her?" Carlos said looking for any caves nearby. They read that she resided in a cave and she would go out to devour any who passed by. "Teamwork? I mean we did took out a whole pirate crew one time." Lonnie told him and he shrugged. 

They kept walking and walking and the pair felt like eyes were on them. Carlos heard shuffling in the bushes and he pulls out his sword. A man pops out of nowhere and runs to them. Carlos drops his sword in a hurry so the man wouldn't plunge himself into it. "Run! Get out of here before it get's you!" The man said holding onto Carlos. "Tell us what it is and where so we can stop it." Lonnie told him. "In that cave. But be warned, she is tough. She took down my bull in a second!" He said running off. "Well, know we know that it's too strong for us but to hell with it." Carlos sighing. As they walked through the trees Lonnie decided to ask. "What ever happened between you and Evie? Non of you ever told us." She asked. "Nothing really. We just thought that we wanted to move on. I mean we liked each other for a while, small crushes but we wanted to explore. So, I got with Jane and look at me now...almost married." He said that last part quietly as the realization hit him. Lonnie laughed and continued. "Well then that's. Seeing other people to move forwards. Plus have you seen the way she looks at Hade's." She said laughing and he nodded and laughed too. "About time they hooked up." Carlos said still laughing.

They made their way to the cave and finally found it. The two pulled out their swords and entered. They had each other's back and proceeded with caution. Since it's a cave, Carlos heard a slither come from the walls. At one point, Carlos even thought he saw the end of a rattlesnake pass by. Soon they come into a large area with stone pillars reaching the stone roof. "You have come to fulfill a death wish." A slithery voice said. "Come and show yourself!" Lonnie yelled making a stance and Carlos just making his fence stance. They heard a sword unsheathed and then saw the face of a woman fly at them. They moved out of the way as she swung her sword down. "You take the right, i'll take the left!" Lonnie yelled to Carlos. The Echidna came back round and went for Lonnie. She stuck her sword through the pillar and broke it full making Lonnie run to a different direction. Carlos though about an idea.

Lonnie was dancing with the Echidna now, practically sword fighting with it. Carlos gave a wink to Lonnie as a way to tell her that he has come up with something. She understood it and decided to dance with it some more. "That's all you got? I heard or I mean read, that Medusa did more with Perseus then this. Because this, lemme tell you, is an embarrassment." Lonnie trash talked the serpent woman which made her mad. This time she came at Lonnie with heavy strikes almost making her lose her balance. Carlos ran up to Echidna and struck his sword into her tail making her scream and turn. Lonnie then cut off her hand which held the sword and then plunged it into her heart. Echidna looked down in shock and was slowly passing away. "My husband, Typhon, will kill your two friends. Evie and Hades Jr will spend their last breath together up high on an amazing wall and die in each others arms and then this world will fall. Our king will see to it. Minos." She said before exhaling her last breath and flopping to the ground. Her body was shining bright and then disappeared in a glow. They heard a loud roar in the distance only to assume that was Typhon. "He have to warn the others. Now." Lonnie said running out of the cave with Carlos. 

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