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Declan's pov

My eyes snapped open. I was in a white room. there was slow steady beeps. I am in a hospital.

My head ached. My skin was pale as a ghost. every time I shifted I would feel stinging pains shoot through my waist. I was a bit nauseous.

My eyes made their way to the people sitting next to me. I saw Dad, Andy, Ruby, Elsa, Joe, and Bronx.

I stared at my father, my eyes full of question. He just stared back with a sad smile.

Ruby didn't look up. She just stared down. tears dripped onto her hands.

Elsa leaned into Andy. Her icy blue eyes were like small black holes of sadness. Andy rubbed her shoulder.

I jumped when Dad finally spoke, "Hey, Dec,"

"Hey," I croaked.

He bit his lip, "How Ya feeling?"

"I've been better," I replied.

"Obviously," Ruby muttered

I rolled my eyes, "Where's Pete, And Laslo?"

"They went home," Elsa whimpered, barely audible, "Poor Laslo. He's freaking out. He's scared. Its not his fault,"

Just then, a nurse motioned all of them out. Was this about Erika?

Petes pov.

Laslo sat on the couch. his eyes were glued to the window. He was shivering. His skin was pale and he was sweating.

"Las, you okay?" I asked.

He didn't move.

"Laslo?" I repeated, still to no avail.

I walked over to him. As soon as I touched his shoulder, he started breathing heavily. Tears poured out of his eyes.

I hugged him, "Hey bud, I'm here,"

"D-dad, They know. They know and they're coming,"

"Who knows what?" I asked nervously.

"The Feds! They know about us! All of us! Fireflies, Breathers Stones and Rains!"

"How do you know?"

"I saw! I don't know how but I did!"

"What did you see, Las?" I asked. It was normal for every child of the elements to have visions after their burns, storms, gravels, and wheezes. They were often true.This scared me. What he was telling me. He had one about them finding out.

"I saw all of them! Bronx, Andy, Joe, Elsa, Ruby, and Patrick. They were tied up; surrounded by soldiers. They were crying. Patrick spoke to me. He said, 'Ut may be too late for us, but don't let them find you. Don't get yourself killed. Don't come after us. Fireflies stones and rains will be gone forever. Accept it.'"

There was knock on the door.

I looked at Laslo, "Go to the studio. Don't make a noise. Don't do anything. Just be quiet, and don't come up until tomorrow. I'm sorry, Las. I really am."

He nodded and ran into the basement.

The Knocks grew louder. I finally made it to the door. I opened it.

A woman in a black pantsuit looked at me. Her dark make up glittered I. The sunlight.

"Are you Pete Wentz?"

I nodded.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into her dark car. "This will soon be over," she said, putting a bag over my head.

I felt a stab in my leg and soon I was asleep.

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