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Patrick's pov

"That's right," The man smirked, "I did try to kill you, but you're too goddamn hard to kill!" He shouted at Erika.

"Go to hell!" she spat back.

"Not until you rot with me!"

I stepped forward. "STOP IT!" I screeched. "You're not really doing anything productive!"

The man smirked, "What I think is productive kills you. All of you."

"Why? Why do you want us dead." Andy begged.

"I just do."

"Wrong answer you little asshole!" Ruby sneered.

"Awww is little Ruby all big and brave?" He cooed.

Joes face turned to worry. He knew what these people were capable of. They killed Bronx and Declan, and brutally tortured the rest of us.

"Shut the fuck up!" She screamed.

He pulled a gun and held it to her head.

Joe completely flipped. "YOU TOUCH HER, YOU DIE!!!"

"You come with me, No one gets hurt." He grinned.

"Not gonna happen," Elsa growled.

Andy shot her a look of compassion, sympathy, gratitude, pride..... and fear.

"Suit yourself."

He took the gun off of Ruby's head and pointed it at me before pulling the trigger.

I didn't feel it at first, but soon the pain kicked in, sending shivers down my spine.

"Patrick!" Pete yelled.

"Now will you come with me?" The man asked.

"I will fight against you until my last breath!" Elsa scowled.

The man gave a slight grin, and pointed his gun toward her. Andy leapt in front of her as he pulled the trigger. The bullet embedded itself into his side.

I found him slowly shooting everyone until it was just Erika, Ruby, and Elsa left.

"We're in a hospital! How come no one is helping us?" I rasped through shallow breaths.

"They know your secret and they want you dead."

He then begins walking to Pete. My heart lurched. Pete looked up at him, Fear shining in his eyes. All the man did was press the gun to his skull and pull the trigger.

"No!" I screamed. he just killed my best friend. Nononononononono this cannot be happening.

He begins walking to and I hear a whimper escape from Elsas mouth.

"Shut up unless you want to die too!"

He shot Andy in cold blood. No mercy, just death.

He mad his way to Joe. I looked at Ruby, who was petrified with fear. All she could do was watch as he ended her fathers life.

He walked to me and Erika screamed, "YOU KILL HIM I KILL YOU!"

"Honey, You cant."

The barrel of the gun pressed against my head.




Hey sorry I haven't updated. I've been having writers block. Anyway. The next chapter is going to be the epilogue which means this book is coming to an end. Sequel anyone? I don't know. I fucking hate writers block.


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I love you my carcrashovercastyoungbloods!

-Emily aka foblvr

((The pic is me in Halloween makeup))

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