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Laslos pov

I didn't care if I was captured. I'm going to see them. The hospital was only a five minute walk from our house.

I ran out the door. My hood drooped over my head. It was cold and eerie. It was almost calming; The quiet. It was almost as if nothing had happened.

I arrived at the hospital. I was surprised when I asked the receptionist for the room numbers and she gave me them. I'm 11.... weird.

I got onto the floor and froze in my tracks. That woman. The same woman that Kidnapped them. The same woman that put them through this hell.

I made sure the hood was over my head before I walked into Patrick's room.

Wow. He looked bad. He was muttering with Erika who looked really good for what happened. They both looked up.

Patrick looked relieved. "Laslo? Oh my god we didn't think you were okay!"

Erika got up and hugged me with her good arm, "Missed Ya bud."

"Missed you too." I smiled.

Erika looked out the window of the room, "You shouldn't have come."

"I know that's her. She kind napped dad."

"She kidnapped all of us. She took Declan and I before I could even stand."

"Oh my god, Erika I'm so sorry." I said, glancing at Patrick who looked like he was having an awful flashback.

She looked at him, "Patrick, what are you thinking about?"

He looked at me, "Should we tell him yet?"

Erika nodded, "He's gonna find out in some way."

"But what if he takes it the wrong way and blames it on Ruby?"

"I doubt he'll do that, Patrick. You know he's very understanding."

"Just tell me!"

A tear formed in Patrick's eye and I knew something was wrong. Was someone dead?

Emma looked at me, but soon turned away. "Las.... Its.... its.... its Bronx. While we were there, There were these things called Trials. They placed us in a room where we had to use our powers to fight to the death. If someone didn't kill the other, They would kill them both. They made him and Ruby go in first and he basically let her kill him. She isn't taking it too well either. She wouldn't say a word after it happened. Basically, your brother gave up his life to save Rubys.

I sat down. No no no no. This is all my fault. Without thinking I walked out and was fretted by a hard slam to my head and a voice. I think it was Erika.

"You can't take him! Please don---"

She was cut off and I blacked out.

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