A little rest (Edited)

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AN: In this story Desmond does kill the traitor ( AKA Lucy ) but he doesn't die in Assassins Creed 3 by touching the orb and saving the world with the help of a 10 feet long hollow pole ( through which he dropped his blood on the orb. Don't ask me how that works Juno said that he can save the world if he touches it so that must have something to do with his genes or blood). It is my first book so I don't know how it will be. Enjoy. 

AN  # 2 : This Story is on a hold and is Under Severe Editing . Every Chapter title will be changed to include "(Edited)" as more and more chapters are Edited.

1:00 AM

Location: outside first civilization cave/temple.

     "So Rebecca where did you get that pole from?" Desmond asked from the back of the van. The group had just packed up and were travelling down the highway on their way to an Assassin headquarters where Desmond hoped he would get to lay down (on a bed not the animus) and get some rest. "That doesn't matter, Not now anyway. Perhaps we should focus more on getting to a secure location." Came the voice of William Miles. "Yeah I guess you're right" Desmond said with a yawn. "Alright, we're almost there, get ready" Shawn announced from the driver's seat. "Shawn.. you feeling alright pal?, I mean this place is literally filled with life" Desmond's Sarcastic voice filled the van as they looked on at the run down, abandoned ship dock. 

     They Group of Assassins parked and waited. Desmond decided that he should break the uncomfortable silence that had beffalen them when suddenly a ship appeared on the horizon, From the distance Subject 17 could tell that it was a modified trawler, which would have been a cause of alarm had his Father had'nt been looking at the approahing Naval Trawler Warship with a glint of Pride in his eye. The ship came closer which allowed the group to get a clearer look at it. Desmond's eyes travelled to the Hull of the Warship where "Altair II" in big bold letters was adorned . "So we just up and decided to disregard 'Hide in plain sight' all of a sudden?" Desmond commented. Papa Miles looked at his son with amusement and said that Unlike him, She doesnt need to be reminded of the Principles of the Creed as She actually knows how to hide when necessary. Leaving Desmond with a Slightly flustered face, William Miles moved closer to the now Docking Ship. "Not. A. Word." Desmond told his fellow Assassins ( Who Now had smug faces) as he moved past them to stand closer to "Altair II."

      The ship docked and two Assassins got off quickly moving past them and making sure that the Area is secure. Once the Security of the port was absolutley made sure off they turned back, greeted them and started to get their equipment and The Animus out of the van to be loaded onboard. Meanwhile, William manged to assure a restless Rebeca that her "Baby" will be taken care of and suggested that they all board the ship quickly. They passed through a sort of lounge area where some people came forward and Greeted William while others just stayed back and gawked at the man called "Subject 17." Rebecca took initiative and moved a Slightly Uncomfortable Desmond out of the Lounge with Shawn in tow. 

The trio followed the instructions given to them by William Miles as they moved out and soon found themselves in another lounge. This one, unlike the other was completely devoid of all people, Something that 17 was thankfull for.

 Desmond immediately went ahead and dropped down on a couch, while Shawn after a thorough examination went out of the room complaining that there wasn't any sort of Caffiene supplement in the room. Rebeca sat down on a couch opposite Desmond and asked how he was feeling. Desmond only grunted to signal himself being tired which Rebecca understood and made herself busy with some work on her laptop. About fifteen minutes later Shawn came back holding an espresso cup in his hands and started complaining about there being only one place to get coffee on this ship. Five minutes later William finally came back looking frustrated and without saying another word sat down on a couch and closed his eyes his head on his arm.

3 AM

Location: Altair II, Server room.

Unknown pov

"Boss I'm in the assassin's network and am uploading the virus"

"Have you copied the files?"

".... What that wasn't in the mission description"

"You fool! We have to get the memories from 17!"

"Chill boss ill stop uploading the virus and get those files"

"No don't do that! You will trip alarms stop--"

The voice was cut out by alarms going off.

"This mission has been compromised by your foolishness! Don't bother coming back your backup and extraction has been cut off"

"No boss please ill make this right don--"

The sound was cut off and the voice of something hitting the floor with cocking of guns was heard then the line went dead.

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now