Waking up to an unexpected guest! (Edited)

602 14 1

6 AM

Location: Altair II, Lounge.

   Desmond woke up with a yawn the following morning and looked around to see that he was by himself in the lounge. He thought that the others must've already gone for breakfast. After a while of just walking around and stretching, he got up and decided to look around the place and possibly fill his now growling stomach. 

   Exiting the lounge, he spotted some people, Field assassins and their handlers by the looks of it, in the hallway. They looked to be talking to each other about upcoming missions or, Desmond mentally groaned, him. Deciding that ignoring them would be the best course of action 17 Started walking in the direction opposite to them. The realization that he didn't know where the Cafe was, hit him hard.

   Begrudgingly Subject 17 walked back towards the chattering group of Assassins he saw earlier. Excusing himself for butting into their conversation, Desmond asked them if one of them could direct him to the Mess. The Assassins turned to look at him and most of them immediately changed their expressions to that of shock and surprise, though they quickly snapped out of it remembering that they are in fact supposed to be professionals. 

   17 didn't blame them, he had the blood of some of the most legendary Assassins in history flowing in his veins and the rare ability to hold The Apple Of Eden due to him being a "Tainted one." He hadn't just escaped Abstergo but disturbed and set back plenty of their operations and only recently assassinated key Templars. His face was bound to grab attention, that is, if he was in the right crowd. One member of the group, A female field Assassin with a german accent, who happened to be one of the few people who didn't turn to him with shock written across her face told him to go down the hall and take a left. 

   The way she stood and looked at him told Desmond that this was a person who held a considerably high rank, a person who doesn't care about who someone was born to but about the work they had done. In his current predicament of unwanted recognition and importance, Desmond weirdly appreciated that. He thanked them and proceeded to go to the Mess.

(Time skip because... Haytham do the honours


   Desmond was planning on taking a well deserved day off for chilling without the mind-boggling shifting through Memories with the Animus. But of course, he didn't have a say in the matter when the current mentor of the brotherhood, His Father, ordered him to. At this point, Desmond felt like The Animus and he had a forced love-hate relationship. He liked the fact that he was contributing to destroying the Templar order and he was thankful for the skills and experience of his Ancestors, but the constant dependence on The Memory arranging machine had Desmond knackered. The fact that he had to go through some of the more intimate memories of his Great Grandfathers was also disturbing to a degree. ( *Camera Pans to Desmond Sobbing in the Lonely Corner of the room.*) 

   According to Rebecca, this was to be a shorter session than usual. She explained that They had already explored major parts of Connor's life and only had to run through some short memories to ensure that nothing important was left behind before marking the file labelled Connor Kenway as "Completly Explored." Desmond sighed in relief, Shawn, of course, broke the ice that he'd quickly have to move onto his next Ancestor's Memory if they wanted to be ahead of the Templars. All relief was drained from Desmond's face and refilled with overdramatic sorrow.

   About 10 minutes into further exploring Connor's memories the animus abruptly shut down. Desmond got up and asked Rebecca if the session was over but stopped midway through his question when he noticed that the lights of the entire room were out. Desmond refrained from the urge of being shocked and asked "What The HELL is going on!?" (Dumbledore asked Calmly.) 

Although he couldn't see in the dark he heard Rebecca say that the servers have shorted out. Her calm tone quickly changed into one of warning as she Exclaimed "Desmond!  get the hell off of  the Animus, it's overheating!"

Desmond got off the animus and no less than two seconds later the room was lit again. The emergency generators had most likely kicked in. Desmond turned towards Rebecca and saw that she had a completely baffled look on her face. This expression was shared with Shawn. Desmond was about to ask why were they looking at him like he had a balloon for a head but before he could move his mouth he was suddenly grabbed from behind and a blade was put against his throat. The only disturbing thing was that it wasn't a dagger or knife that he was held by, it was an ancient hidden blade. A blade he instantly recognized when he saw the gauntlet and the hand on which it was strapped. 

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now