Ancestor and Decedents (Edited)

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     After about after an hour of explaining things to Altair, his hostility towards even the stray fly started to die down little by little. That didn't mean that the Ancient Assassin was comfortable in his current predicament, however. Being ripped away from his time had clearly shaken the Assassin a lot. 

     Much to his own annoyance Altair's paranoid senses kept working their way into his head. He repeatedly asked questions regarding the creed to assure himself that he hadn't fallen into some imposter Templar's hand. Desmond's constant frustration didn't go unnoticed by Altair either and certainly didn't help any of their situations.

     Desmond was in the midst of awkwardly explaining why his ring finger wasn't amputated when he got a call from Rebecca who asked him to come to the Animus room. Desmond thought of this as a blessing and after making a quick excuse he took off and sprinted down the corridors to the Animus room as fast as he could before Altair could berate him with questions on why he was talking into a metal box.

     Desmond made it to the Animus room only to see Animus parts all over the place. Needless to say, he looked as pleased as a ten-year-old on a sugar rush. Unfortunately, the rare moment of bliss and joy in 17's now Hectic life were shattered as he was pushed into the room to fall on the floor on an Animus part. He groaned at his now slightly hurt lower back and looked up to see Altair standing there with his dagger out of its sheath and his eyes scanning the room for any sign of  Hostile activity.

      "What the F***!"Desmond exclaimed loudly and angrily at a Puzzled Altair. Altair however was having none of it. He started scolding Desmond like a Mentor Scolding a Novice saying how he should have at least told him what was actually going on before making a run for it like they were under attack. Altair was in the midst of his lecture to Desmond about being unresponsive and non-cooperating (Something Shaun silently agreed with by a small snort) when out of nowhere his speech changed from English into Arabic.

     Desmond looked over his shoulder to see Rebecca wearing headphones, messing about with the settings of the Animus and upon closer look, it was revealed that what she was doing was nothing other than a language translator diagnostic. As Rebecca, unaware of what was happening behind her, kept changing the language settings and running scans on all of them, Altair's language kept changing as well. Switching from Arabic to Italian to French to German and so on. 

     In Desmond's mind, this was hilarious. Not able to hold it in any longer he chuckled a little which only infuriated Altair all the more which caused him to shout profanities at him all in different languages. Shaun looked up from his workstation to see the currently unfolding events when his eyes fell on William who had just entered the room after hearing the commotion from outside and immediately realized who passed down his cursing habits to Desmond. He just sighed and left the room signalling Shawn to stop this on his way out.

(Five minutes later because UMMMMMMM can anybody give the readers an excuse for this.

Shay: Because the author can't make his own luck *walks out of the room with glints of pride in his eye*

Me: Weird Flex but OKay..)

     After Desmond's laughing fit was over he asked Shawn why the animus is opened up. Shawn responded in a snarky tone "Apparently Desmond her 'baby' must be 'inspected closely' to......where is Altair!?" He exclaimed at the sudden Absence of the Master Assassin.

     Desmond turned around and sure enough, Altair was nowhere to be seen. He was going to go out of the room to search for his Ancestor before he did something stupid but was stopped when out of nowhere Altair's voice started blaring in his ears "Stop pretending that I'm not here novice. We are not done here." Desmond turned around only to be even more puzzled because he still couldn't see Altair. He looked under one of the desks when someone hit him on the back of his head and Altair voice roared once again "I am right here Novice! Pay Attention." 

     Startled, Both Shaun and Desmond practically screamed so loud that it made Rebecca, who was still listening to music, Jump and almost drop the device she was inspecting. Rebecca turned and spoke rapidly in an angry voice "Hey Geniuses! GPU'S are fragile things you idiots so tone it down!" Desmond simply stared at the Graphic card or a compact version of 10 graphic cards in her hands and slowly realized that any changes to the animus affect Altair because he littlerely dropped out of it. 

     Desmond looked at Shawn dead in the eye with a smirk and then at the still invisible Altair, He made a joke reminding him about the time when he once tripped and fell off of a slippery roof and landed right in front of a group of Trainee Assassins and how the Master Assassin was the butt of everyone's jokes for two weeks. 

     That obviously pissed off the invisible man which caused him to start screaming like a banshee cursing at whoever and whatever he saw like a madman. Desmond not having the slightest intention of stopping quickly climbed down, opened the sound driver settings of the animus and turned them off..... Hence muting Altair and much to Rebecca's annoyance he kept turning them on and then off, over and over again.

     William entered the room to see his son and one of his best historians laughing at a voice that kept getting muted and then played. He sighed and thought to himself "One job I gave him one job"

     William Miles now knew the price for making his son in charge of a task he was uninterested in. He groaned. This was going to be a very long day for him too it seemed.

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now