Not again ( The re-uploaded complete chapter)

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2 PM

Location: Altair II, Animus room.

     After Shawn and Desmond had stopped laughing and Rebecca had finally finished inspecting the animus they went for lunch.They went out of the room and along the way the conversations between people had shifted from being about Desmond being on the ship to how Altair magically appeared out of the animus.

   Desmond could have said that he was grateful for him not being the hot topic for chatter but he knew that that it wouldn't last forever. As they were walking down the hallway William appeared out of nowhere (Assassins tend to do that a lot don't they) and told them they better get ready soon because they had a mission. Desmond sighed in frustration, he was getting tired of this and now he knew what Ezio's recruits felt like whenever he gave them an assignment which were endlessly long.

   After a small lunch the group was headed back to the Animus with Altair in tow. As they got into the room they saw an unknown man doing something on Rebecca's computer.

   Seeing this startled everyone in the room. Desmond quickly took out his hidden blade, went over the table, pinned the man down and pulled him up than shoved him up against wall and put his blade to his throat and screamed in the man's face "who the hell are you" the man obviously wasn't an Assassin so his best guess was a Templar.

   Just at that moment an alarm went off distracting Desmond from holding down the man. The Templar seeing an opportunity to escape hit Desmond in his groin (ouch). He then pushed Desmond off of him and made a run for the door. Shawn seeing this quickly blocked his path and hit him in the face and went for another hit to his abdomen but the Templar just blocked him and twisted his arm above his head then kicked Shawn in the stomach.

   Rebecca tried picking up a keyboard and hitting the man in the head with it but he just blocked it and swept her legs from under her.

   Everyone was just beaten up by this unknown man. He turned around and smirked seeing his work but that didn't last long as Altair jumped on him and pinned him down to the ground then hit his head against the floor knocking him out unconscious.

   At that moment William and some other Assassins walked in and looked at the mess in front of them. The Assassins picked up the Templar and took him to a cell while William explained that the Templar was captured last night while trying to hack their systems. Suddenly the Animus started beeping furiously and the readings went red.

   Rebecca recognizing what was happening warned everyone to get out of the room. They all dashed out of the room and she quickly locked the door. Desmond asked her "Rebecca what's happeni-" He was cut off by an explosion and fire alarms ringing.

   Everyone was knocked back by the explosion but nobody was injured. The door had come off of its place and now lay in front of the group. William was about to ask everyone if they were alright but then a voice came from the room and it said one thing "merda!"

so about time I published a chapter. School has been keeping me busy with all these exams but anyway here's a new (smol) chapter.

And buckle up people winter break is here so expect another chapter with another one of everybody's favorite Assassins.

ALSO pls give me feedback and suggestions in comments. It would be very appreciated.

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