Escape from Altair

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   Dust was everywhere, the collapsed corridor seemingly lifeless, the hallways were blaring with alarming red lights and furiously beeping alarms, William and Altair were nowhere to be seen and the two Assassins; Desmond and Shaun stood together in front of the now destroyed corridor their friend was supposed to be in.

Shaun couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't grasp the situation. A low "Beccs" escaped his lips. The thought of her dying was now disturbing him more than the sinking ship.

Desmond hoped that they were alright. But he couldn't be certain. He felt like he needed to find out where they were before he started tossing around rubble. He felt helpless. He thought to himself "How am I supposed to find them in a sinking ship without losing focus-" The word 'focus' flashed through his mind.

Desmond couldn't believe his stupidity, he had a gift, a gift passed down to him by his ancestors, something that made him see the world differently, something that required focus. He switched to Eagle Vision (Bruh).

He started looking everywhere. Eyes darting in all directions while trying to maintain focus. He found it. He found the little green light indicating an ally.

Without waiting another moment Desmond called Shaun and ran towards the green colour which was now starting to glare him in the eyes.

Desmond and Shaun began furiously removing the rubble. Underneath the rubble was a desk which had miraculously survived and under the desk a confused Ezio (AN: I never made it clear so if you were wondering it's the Revelations Ezio) and a Shaken Rebecca looked back at them.

Shaun basically pulled Rebecca out and hugged her while Ezio who had now seemingly recovered mentally and had got his memory back looked at the young assassin he knew he had seen and heard of before.

Ezio got out from under the table and asked "Desmond?" Desmond quietly replied "Yeah..." Despite wanting to have a moment with his relatable ancestor Desmond suddenly remembered that they were on a sinking ship. He reminded everyone else and booked it in the direction of the exit his friends and ancestor in tow.

They reached the main deck and took a moment to catch their breaths. The main deck was total chaos. People were trying to escape whether that be by helicopters or leaping into the cold water or just lifeboats. And others were fighting Templars. A Templar ran at them and was shot down by Desmond. This got the others attention and they too took a fighting stance.

Desmond again tried using eagle vision to find his father and Altair but it was useless. The ship was too crowded with Red and Green of the allies and enemies to find a golden target. Another Templar ran at them noticing this Ezio ran at him and used his Hook blade to grab hold of the man and flipped of him performing a "Hook and Run" the man was dazed and using his chance Desmond who had now regained focus shot him down.

Desmond gave his gun to Rebecca and unsheathed the blades attached to his arms. This time three Templars charged at them, Ezio extended his own hidden blade and swirled around in mid-air cutting ones throat which made blood gush out from the cut as he dropped down dead.

Another one was killed by Shaun as he extended the blade given to him by his friend and blindly swirled it around. It surprisingly hit the man as he went down clutching his abdomen, the last man who charged towards jumped and tried shooting down Rebecca which was prevented by Desmond using the blade on his right arm stabbed the man in his leg and as he knelt down in pain was killed when Desmond plunged his other blade into the Templar's neck.

Trying to find a way for escaping the ship the group began sneakily running about until they made their way to the back of the ship. It was getting dark making it easier for them to sneak about at the same time making it a lot harder to see ahead of them. Desmond and Ezio being more used to this weren't very bothered but the same couldn't be said for Shaun and Rebecca.

Rebecca felt something tug at her leg. She looked down towards her leg as she was crouching behind some crates and saw it was just a rope and pulled her leg off of it. The rope stretched and soon a bell started ringing (Why the heck is there a bell on a ship with loud horns is a question that tends to remain unanswered)

Two guards who had been alarmed by the sudden sound came to investigate and by the looks of it they weren't exactly friendly or Assassins for that matter.

Ezio stopped and took cover behind a crate. He flashed his eyes around the corner of the crate and assessed the situation. Desmond rolled up next to him to take a look for himself. They both looked at each other and had the same idea.

Ezio grabbed a nearby bottle and threw it towards the Templar guards it landed with a clank behind them urging them to turn around. As soon as their backs were turned Ezio with his descendent went forward and plunged his blade into one of the guard's neck. The other guard looked around and turned in the direction of Ezio kneeling beside his dead colleague. The guard was about to fire in shock when Desmond stabbed him from the side of his abdomen.

The ship suddenly shook violently the Templars and the Assassins both were fleeing forgetting about fighting each other as the ship started sinking faster and faster. What no one had noticed was that the ship was marooned on the side of Chicago.

Soon the police had surrounded the ship. Seeing no other way of escaping Desmond looked at his friends and then at the water bellow before saying "well life is a leap of faith" and ran at the edge of the ship before jumping off with the grace of an eagle landing in the water. He was soon followed by Ezio just as gracefully. They were joined soon by a screaming but still graceful Rebecca and a not so very graceful at all, flipping out, landing on his head man ; Shaun.

They had escaped the ship named Altair unharmed. But the question was where in this city were they to find the Real Altair and Bill.

They swam to the city and wondered about the location of the nearest Assassin hideout. The Templars had crossed a line and had no doubt provoked a quiet war. The only thing any of them could think was that this wasn't going to to be good.

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