Back On Track

148 4 0

4 AM

Location: Chicago city streets (Near the Assassin Hideout)

The four assassins walked the streets of Chicago, clearly tired because of the events they had encountered. The crack of dawn came onto view as the morning mist settled on leaves and lamps. As the tall buildings and skyscrapers made of glass cut the light in half, The slight reflection of it on the leaves made them look greener and as the city streets were so empty and weren't so crowded and noisy, it was almost calming.

Desmond realized that he hadn't felt as peaceful and calm ever since Abstergo got to him. He for once in the last two months let down his guard and enjoyed the moment.

Ezio seemed fascinated by what society had become. He looked bemused to how the towers of glass stood so tall and wondered if they would cripple if stepped on like a normal glass.

Rebecca stopped in-front of a coffee shop and announced that she for one required a big dose of caffeine. Being so tired no one complained and they sat down outside the shop, Desmond couldn't help but notice how Ezio was keeping the bag with his weapons in it so close to him.

He saw in Ezio's eyes that the life of an Assassin can change people. The first time he saw Ezio in the Animus, he was so carefree and energetic and didn't give a shit about anyone but himself and now he looked like a completely different man. He looked tired and ready to go home...but at the same time he looked like he was excited for the journey ahead, like he couldn't help but let the adrenaline rush and pump in his veins.

Rebecca was also relaxing in her chair and Shaun had gone in to get their coffee. Desmond suddenly realized that he didn't know what happened between Ezio and Sofia. He asked his ancestor in an almost playful tone.

"So Ezio, didn't you give up the life of an Assassin?" before adding "You know leaving with Sofia and all..."

Rebecca looked up slightly interested in the conversation.

Ezio looked at them and simply said "I did. And it's none of your business."

Desmond sarcastically rolled his eyes and said "Ah yes, asking about the wellbeing of my great-great-great-grandmother is none of my business."

Ezio just sighed and said "Tutto a posto. I've bought a manor at a hill between Roma and Firenze. I had to return to Roma with Sofia to take care of business about the brotherhood. Claudia is going to be mentor to the brotherhood soon. The two became friends quickly...The Templars were driven out of Roma ages ago but they never give up." Rebecca interrupted him "They never do. That's why the Assassins still exist. Right?"

Ezio smiled at her "Mia signora belive me when I say, you are the smartest young lady I have had the pleasure of meeting since I got here." Desmond roled his eyes and made a blank face, Rebecca couldn't help it but laughed at seeing his face. Ezio seemed amused too before his face dropped and he continued "Sofia allowed me one last assassination so that i could set things in order. I was making my way over to the distretto del vaticano and was testing out some lines we set up for the hook blades when everything in my vision flashed and I was trapped in a white light as the city turned into simple lines and were consumed by the damned rays....I don't know what happened to everyone but I woke up here.."

Desmond gave his ancestor a comforting smile and said "That's what the Animus does when it's pulling someone out. I've been through that a lot. Don't worry Ezio they'll be fine.

At that moment Shaun chose to come out of the coffee shop. Holding their drinks and verbally abusing the barista with English curses. "Yeah you keep that you bloody arse-faced soded git, I bet 50 Pounds you came from a daft cow" (If anyone's wondering, then yes I do have a questionable browser history)

Rebecca and Desmond wondered if they should stop their friend or enjoy this while Ezio looked confused and concerned for both Shaun and the barista. Shaun looked at them and with the most pissed off face he said "Let's go..."

They continued on their way after Shaun handed out their drinks, Rebecca silently led the group while sipping her vegan cappuccino or as dubbed by Shaun 'The coffee of hypocrites'. Shaun was rather calm after his verbal battle with the barista who had apparently made a rather snarky remark about brits and was now discussing history with Ezio about the renaissance and Leonardo apparently, because who better to ask other than the man's best friend.

Desmond just sipped on his coffee silently while tailing behind the group. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shadow moving about keeping its eyes on them. Desmond whistled to give Ezio and the others a signal, in return Ezio discreetly extended his hidden blade for a second before pulling it back in. They turned into an alley turned around to see a woman in a light gray hooded jacket and dark combat pants. After inspecting their faces she spoke in a Russian accent "This way" before running of in the direction of an old building across the street.

They followed her into the building hesitantly and with their weapons at the ready. Once inside Desmond was startled as someone hugged him. He looked up to see his father and hugged him back. He hadn't realized that he had almost lost his father again until that moment.

William broke the hug and stepped back and Desmond could now see Altair who nodded at him. He too was dressed in modern clothes. And looking better than Ezio in a Black Hooded jacket and Blue Jeans.......Desmond didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry that his 900 year old ancestor who was in the body of a 21 year old was wearing his clothes.

William introduced them to the woman who led them here. Galina Voronina. A woman in her late twenties and apparently the last of the Russian Brotherhood. Desmond noticed the Assassin pendant around her neck and cursed at himself for not noticing it before they followed her. She seemed to have noticed his expression and chuckled lightly.

After introductions, Bill led them all into a room filled with bunk beds and told them to rest. Rebecca yelled "I call top bunk" and quickly climbed up and immediately went to sleep. While the rest just flopped down wherever they pleased. Tomorrow is going to be a long day Desmond thought before closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.

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