A friend from Firenze

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3 PM

Location: Altair II, Outside the Animus Room

The Assassins stood outside the now blackened and destroyed Animus room. But that wasn't the intriguing part the thing everyone was focused on was the voice that had just been heard screaming the word "Merda!"

Desmond and everyone else was puzzled. Who could be still in that room? While the group was still deciding whether to find the source of the voice and help them or to open fire Altair being the 'Master Assassin' and braver then the rest of them (Obviously) took out his sword and pointed it in the direction of the room before commanding "Whoever is in there get out now!" he continued "You are surrounded, the smartest thing you can do right now is give yourself up!"

A weak voice was heard from inside the room which nobody could really hear that well. This time Desmond stepped into the room without a warning and heard a weak "Help". He searched the room for the source of the voice. He looked hard as hard as the blaring red alarm lights could let him see and saw a hand or rather a silver bracer on the hand reflecting light and quickly went towards it.

Whoever the man was he needed help. Desmond realized that that was no ordinary bracer it was the gauntlet of a hidden blade, a very prized, Very important hidden blade that belonged to one of the most important historic members of the brotherhood. Not knowing what to do Desmond called the Assassins into the room. Desmond knew that the man currently buried under the pile of broken rubble, cement and steel was indeed the Mater Assassin who took down the Borgia.

Desmond along with Shawn, Altair and two more Assassins got to work to get the man, and it was indeed Ezio Auditore Da Firenze who was trapped in there and he was in a terrible state. Not like there was blood in their but rather because Ezio was looking 'Glitched'.

Half his body was looking like he didn't spawn in correctly like he was blue dots like the animus in one place and an array of matrix code in the other.

Desmond or anybody did not know what to do, not even William had the slightest idea what to do. They got Ezio on a stretcher and were on their way to the med-bay. Everyone was so occupied with what just happened that they didn't even notice Altair's hand turning into a piece of code and going all "Animusy"

Once they did reach the med-bay something even more terrifying happened. Altair screamed and collapsed. Then it hit them. Desmond remembered any changes to the animus changes Altair in this case Ezio too. And the Animus was just destroyed, broken in to pieces by the explosion. Desmond knew that if they were to save them they needed to save the animus.

Desmond with Shawn and Rebecca raced down the hallways of Altair II and stopped in front of the now destroyed animus room. They went in and began looking for Animus Parts. Rebecca was desperately searching for the Animus Hard Drive while Shawn was looking for the hopefully un-damaged compact GPU and Desmond let's just say Desmond was losing his mind over the fact that if his ancestors do somehow die in the future will that mess up the time stream he was so confused and frustrated because of the fear that he wasn't even trying to look for the "Baby's Motherboard" as put by Rebecca.

Desmond was snapped out of thoughts by Shawn who was now holding a slightly burned down GPU. After about ten minutes all required parts of the Animus were found and Rebecca was hoping that if the RAM still had some power in it then the last process should be stuck in but she had to plug it in soon because unlike any other parts RAM'S are volatile.( Computer lessons with Rebecca)

While Rebecca and Shawn raced down the hallways to connect the parts into another Animus, Desmond bumped into Altair who was flipping out and swearing in A LOT of languages, He either knew a lot of languages or the Animus language programs were glithing again only this time it wasn't funny as much as it was concerning. Desmond moved to grab Altair's hand but his hand just went through his and he felt a tingling sensation on his skin. Altair seeing this decided it was time to flip out of his mind even more than before. Somehow the Animus being destroyed causes people to lose brain cells. Desmond was so done with this (when is he not).

After successfully found a still physical part of Altair which was his hood, Desmond dragged him back to the Med-Bay where Ezio himself was just acting exactly like Altair the only difference was that Ezio was only speaking Italian and was sending profanities towards everyone in the room (Don't ask me How Desmond knew he was cursing in Italian) as if that wasn't enough drama for one day both of Desmond's ancestors just turned completely 'Animusy' and after a while of everyone being scared to death they turned back into their fully physical form (THEY RESPAWNED) And dropped down on the floor Dead ( NOT REALLY ) or rather as Desmond preferred Not dead but certainly unconscious.

Meanwhile Shawn in tow of Rebecca ran into the doorway screeching "DID IT WORK!?"

They got there answer when an almost drunken like Ezio got up and squeaked in a little girls voice "Are you my mummy?" and then fell face first into polished floor. Rebecca and Desmond just tried processing what the heck just happened while Shawn being the sassy man he is just said "Well we seem to have given him knowledge of the last of the time lords" (AN: Sorry the opportunity couldn't be missed for my over enthusiastic fanboying of Doctor Who) and everyone just looked at Shawn like "wot...."

There you go a chapter filled to the brim with unnecessary drama for the entrance of everyone's "Boi"

If you have been wondering where I have been for the past few months let me just say this; Exams lots and lots and lots of exams...

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