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         Altair had woken up soon after the rather "Interesting" events and Ezio had somehow developed "Animus sickness". Desmond, Shawn and Altair were sitting in a lounge while Rebecca had volunteered (Without even someone asking for volunteers) to look after Ezio... (That awkward moment when your friend has a tiny crush on an Italian playboy who also happens to be your ancestor)

Desmond didn't know what to do and was just lying on the couch with a as explained by Shawn to be the "What and How the BLOODY HELL" face. Altair was just walking around the room in circles in a rather fast pace and stern face, Desmond and Shawn both had the same thought to leave him be as he appeared to be very "seriously" thinking.

Inside Altair's Mind

OK so first things first..... (AN: Take a moment and prepare for some cursing)

........HOW THE F**K, WHO THE F**K, WHERE THE F**K AND WHY THE F**K, AM I STUCK IN A PLACE FULL OF PEOPLE DRESSED IN WEIRD CLOTHES, WEIRD ACCENTS, AND WHERE PEOPLE POP OUT OF MACHIENES AND THEN GET ALL WEIRD...like magic. What sorcery is this, is this some sort of joke ahhhhhh I don't want to say it but I so F*****G miss Malik and Maria....could this be their doing, is this something to do with the apple, have the Templars got hold of the apple.....am I dead.... I can't be dead can.........look Altair chillll just go to the Templar and interrogate him just chill

Outside Altair's mind

Altair seeming to have collected his thoughts and finished his "very serious thinking" turned towards his other fellow Assassins and said "I want to speak to this Templar." The trio then got out of the lounge and went to William.

William was in his office, peacefully (Not for long) sipping on a mug of coffee when he was (so rudely) interrupted by a knock on the glass door. He looked up to see his son, historical expert and obviously his ancestor (at least one of them).

Altair went in and asked him about the Templar and about interrogating him. William really wanted to let Altair question him because so far his men weren't able to even make him say a word. After long consideration William said that he couldn't let Altair talk to any Templar as that could potentially damage timelines, Desmond was instead chosen to go and talk to this man.

Desmond obviously wasn't very pleased with the fact that now he had to interrogate someone, something he had never done before. After a long 20 minutes of convincing Shawn to go in with him and be his "Good cop" as he could make sensible questions and Desmond could well, Desmond could beat the hell out of the Templar seeing as that was the only thing he was good at other than making and serving drinks...

Shawn went into the room with Desmond behind him, as they were entering the room Altair and William got settled on the other side of the glass (Yes Altair did ask if the Templar could see him from behind the glass or not...). Desmond quietly put his hood up and leaned on one side of the table with his fists on it while Shawn sat opposite to the Templar and started his questioning, well basically Altair was asking the questions from behind the glass using a wireless audio transmitter (YES HE DID ASK WHY HE WAS SPEAKING INTO A WEIRD BLACK BLOB CONNECTED TO A MECHANISM). Altair or Shawn asked his first question "We already know who you are and you presumably also know about us so let's make this simple...What was your mission?" The Templar answered as Desmond glared daggers at him "My mission was to get into your base, find your data files, download them and install a virus in your systems. I have to say you Assassins are so predictable." Desmond punched him hard across the face and Shawn told him to only give answers to the questions asked and to leave the suggestions and compliments for later. After that he was asked what were the Templars intentions to which he snarkly replied "Oh you Assassins always meddling in other people's affairs." On that remark Desmond picked him up by the collars of his uniform and harshly told him to answer the damn question. The Templar instead spat in his face. Desmond screamed "Son of a bitch!" and threw him against the wall. The Templar got up and said "Alright you wanna know their intentions....well the first is blasting this damn boat out of the water!!"

At that the the entire ship shook and multiple explosion went off in the room. The room was completely destroyed. Desmond was knocked back by the explosion and Shawn was nowhere to be seen. The glass separating the monitoring room was shattered.

Altair and the others had taken cover at the right time. An Assassin squad burst into the room and took away William and Altair against their protesting.

Desmond and Shawn were still trapped inside the room. Desmond woke up with a slight concussion and ringing in his ears. As soon as he completely regained his consciousness he remembered about Shawn. He desperately started looking for his friend. He found him under the table which must have flipped over and provided him cover, though it wasn't enough as Shawn appeared to have a concussion too. After he helped Shawn up Desmond went over to where the Templar was.

It seemed that the Templar didn't survive. He was crushed under a part of the ships ceiling which had fallen down. His lower half was completely missing, it looked like his legs were blasted away by the explosion. His eyes went dark and dead. Desmond crouched down and closed his eyes. Putting him in his never ending rest.

The duo of the Assassins soon realized that the monitoring room was empty. They went through the now broken glass and looked around for anyone. In the corner of the room Desmond found a weapon stash. He opened it to find two hidden blades and a silenced MAC Submachine. He picked them up and gave Shawn one hidden blade which he took hesitantly, strapped the other to his own left arm and loaded up the MAC.

The outside corridor was no better. People were running or making barriers. Desmond started walking in the direction of the helipad and Shawn stopped him and reminded him of Rebecca and Ezio.

They quickly rushed towards the room where they were supposed to be but as they turned the corner their faces went white with fear.

The corridor in which Rebecca and Ezio were supposed to be in had collapsed.

And that brings this chapter to an end.

What happened to Rebecca and Ezio?

Are the alive?

Where are William and Altair?

All of this in the next chapter.


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