Explanations (Edited)

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     "What the HELL was all of that!?" Desmond exclaimed at Rebecca and Shawn as soon as the trio stepped out into the hallway. Rebecca however was quick to reproach him with a questioning, almost accusing look "How the Hell should I know? Last time I checked you were the one messing about in the Animus? I swear miles if anything happens to 'Baby' ill make you regret the day you were born!" Shawn decided to step in and ease the arising conflict before it escalated to a verbal battle of Accusations, Swears and Curses. "Alright, you two ease up and act like adults, Arguing won't get us anywhere so perhaps instead of pointing fingers at one another we can try recalling what exactly happened in there." 

     The Historian waited until the Assassin and Techie weren't glaring daggers at each other before continuing "Ok, now that you've both calmed down let's get down to thinking eh?" He directed his focus at the Assassin standing next to him. "Desmond. Do you remember the last thing you did as Connor before summoning your great granddad's ghost?" Desmond looked up at Shawn with an unamused expression before looking back down with furrowed eyebrows.

     Subject 17 took a moment to think before saying " I remember using Connor's tomahawk to slide down a rope before crashing into a window. The next thing I knew, the Animus Pulled me out, I thought the session was over. I got up only to have a blade pointed at my neck." Rebecca was about to question him further when she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

     William Miles exited the Room with Altair in tow. After Signalling the other Assassins to clear out the hallway and return to their duties, He cleared his throat to get the attention of the trio standing before him, all of whom were busy gawking at Altair and said "Ok, it seems that the Animus has been bugged which causes severe Glitches" Rebecca looked up at her boss with a confused look and said "I doubt that. I spent last night patching 'Baby' up. There were no problems in my test session either."

     William took a moment to consider before saying "I believe it has something to do with the Templar we caught yesterday. He was found trying to upload a virus but we stopped it before he could completely destroy our systems. Maybe patching the Animus left a hole in its security mainframe." William paused, a look of concern adorned his face as he looked at his son and continued "There is however a matter worse than this. The Templars have obtained some of your DNA through unknown means, Desmond. We can't let them gain the upper hand here, We need you to speed up your research". Desmond sighed, this was going to be a long day but before he did anything he decided to address the Elephant (or rather The Ancient Assassin) in the room "What are we going to do about Gramps Here, as far as we know he just glitches out of the animus and gets a Physical body through God knows where."

     William looked amused at this question and said "Well I was hoping you would spend some time with him. He doesn't know how things work in the future now does he" To say that 17 was infuriated would be an understatement "Wait a Damn minute. You want me to babysit Altair while also increasing the time I spend in the Animus!? Actually, tell me why you can't do this? Do you have something better to do? He is your ancestor as well you know!?" William cleared his throat and in a mock British accent told his son "Never you mind! Just do as I ask!" Desmond looked at his father with wide eyes while Rebecca and Shawn bursted out laughing. 

     Altair on the other hand was standing a bit away from the other Assassins remaining silent and having a conversation with his brain.

Altair: Are they stupid?

His brain: Nah they are probably.... like Malik?

Altair: That does seem true.

His brain: I'll make a note to not say that to Malik.

Altair: What if all people in this era are... like Malik or stupid........or both.

His brain: What if Malik is stupid?

Altair: That does seem like something to ponder on. 

     Altair snapped himself out of his conversation with his brain (AN: How I wish I could do that......waaaiiit. ) and heard the boy named Desmond tell his father off for picking lines off of some Person named Haytham Kenway. The man who he had talked to minutes prior who he now knew to actually be his Descendent looked and talked like he was in Incharge. Altair, Despite not knowing his apparent descendent that well was weirdly proud. Their conversation ended with William going off in the opposite direction to them and the trio of young people turning towards him.

     Altair was the first to speak. "Let us speak about this from the beginning, What do you say..." Altair took a moment "...Grandson?" 

     Desmond Miles Sighed. This was indeed going to be a long day.

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now