The blade. (Edited)

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 8 AM

Location: Altair II, Animus room.

   Desmond looked at the gauntlet the blade was strapped on with wide eyes. The gauntlet was black in colour made with metallic plates and had a golden design on it. That was enough for Desmond to internally scream. But the hand, the hand was what made Desmond feel uneasy, it was the left hand of a person but their ring finger was cut off.

   Desmond wanted to think of it as a sick joke but he couldn't help but tell himself that hidden blades no longer required the finger sacrifice. A million thoughts were running in his brain in a second. Is this a joke, it has to be a joke, that gauntlet is probably a replica! , chill Desmond flip the man over your shoulder! , why have I frozen? , where is the Assassin training?

   All of his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the mystery man. His Voice was something Desmond was all too familiar with. He spoke with a Siberian Accent in an authoritative and questioning tone "I don't know who you people are and I don't know what Sorcery you used to get me here. So now that I have your اصحاب life in my hands you're going to answer some of my questions and believe me, one bitter lie and he is as good as gone"

   Desmond was beyond freaked out. He knew that voice. He had spent a large chunk of his unofficial holiday with the Templars with that voice in his head every day until he was freed by Lucy. It hurt to even think of his saviour's betrayal but Desmond was quick to shake the memories of her out of his head. He needed to address the situation at hand. 

   Desmond slowly turned his head around, dodging the piercing blade at his throat. Moving his neck with great power against the firm hand that gripped it, only to be greeted by the sight of his......own face.

   Desmond was sure that there wasn't a mirror behind him and He knew that mirrors didn't threaten to slit their reflection's throat (or do they?) leading him to conclude the Identity of the Mystery Man.

   "Altair?" Desmond asked his captor in a surprised and confused voice. The man didn't say anything. Altair was seemingly also shocked and taken aback by meeting a man with a face similar to his. Altair slowly let Desmond go and Desmond quickly put some distance between them and stood next to Shawn and Rebecca. Both of whom were still to recover from utter bafflement and Confusion "Who the Jahanam are you people?" That was the only thing Altair managed to ask.

   Desmond tried to defuse the tension but was rather unsuccessfully "well ahh you see—wait you are like actually Altair right? Son of Umar? Mentor to the Brotherhood" Altair raised his eyebrow at being called mentor, meanwhile Shawn pressed a button under his desk to alert William. Altair stated the fact that he was in fact not mentor to the Assassin Brotherhood and slid open his hand again to unsheathed the retracted Hidden Blade. 

   Desmond cursed his own stupidity and in a rather unsuccessful attempt tried to defuse the situation, again. "NO! Shit...Spoilers?? I guess..look..Altair I- I have no idea how to tell you but- I am- My name is Desmond Miles. I am an Assassin. I'm you...Your Descendent.."

   Altair looked at the younger man with an amused face and simply stated "Don't play tricks with me boy. I know that my son doesn't have children yet, so either you tell me the truth and your imitating friends can die by the hand of a true Assassin."

   Desmond was tense. He had no idea how to defuse the situation without making it worse. He was a bartender dammit! He had broken up so many Bar Fights that he lost count. Why he couldn't break up the tension between him and his Ancestor was beyond him. Maybe it was the fact that all of this was a little personal for him. In a way, Altair was his family and he thought of him as such even though Altair himself was unaware of the relationship between him and the young man standing before him. 

    Altair on the other hand felt strange. He could both feel and not feel his arms, The same went for his legs, and pretty much every part of his body. Altair chose to ignore the strangeness within him, deciding that physical injuries can be taken care of later. But he had noticed things. He noticed how the three people before him had Garb that he hadn't ever seen before. He noticed that Pristine metal panelling around the room. The Strange machinery all around him was peculiar, to say the least.

   Right, when he was about to say something the door was kicked in and Ten Assassins with silenced pistols and various blades along with William drastically entered the room. The moment William saw Altair and the situation currently unfolding in front of him he ordered his men to put down their weapons and sent everyone out including (Much to his dismay) Desmond.

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now