Who are you?

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Buckle up cause this is gonna be longer than usual

8 PM

Location: Chicago City Streets.

The four Assassins had escaped the ship and were now roaming the streets of Chicago. People all around were looking at the wet clothed group weirdly but most of them were looking at Ezio as he was the one wearing the oddest clothes and was armed to the teeth.

Desmond was beginning to suspect some of these people as Templars, but using eagle vision he assured himself that they were just curious everyday citizens.

The sun had set and some shops were closed but despite that the city still looked full of life. Shivering and panting Desmond hoped that he could find a closed clothing shop and get everyone a change of clothes. They would have gone into an open Mall or outlet but Shaun suspected that some enemies had most definitely seen them jump and would be looking for them in any shop that could prove useful right now.

They kept walking and passing by curious citizens and came to a halt when they saw what they were looking for. The store in front of them looked small and old but judging by the lock it had just been closed a few moments ago. They looked around to see if anyone was nearby and then went to the back.

The vent on the back of the store was locked shut and so was the door but they both looked a bit rusty. Shaun and Desmond tried to rip out the vent but in vain. They were stopped by the sound of the door opening. Ezio not fully understanding but seeing them trying to open the vent asked Rebecca for a hair pin, which she gladly gave him and Ezio jammed it in the door while using his hidden blade to turn the lock.

Surprisingly that had worked and they were now in. Ezio went into the store with a grin while Rebecca just chuckled at their priceless faces before following Ezio.

Shaun and Desmond looked at each other before going in themselves. Inside Rebecca was busy explaining to Ezio about the clothing store and then dashed off to get an outfit for herself.

Shaun locked the door behind him and looked for cameras when he found none he too started looking for dry clothes. Ezio on the other hand was talking to Desmond who was explaining or trying to explain what was going on.

"So you mean that machinery that I saw get destroyed earlier is called Anniimas." Said Ezio. "Animus" Desmond corrected him "and yeah we use it to look into our Ancestors life through their eyes to find what they found and sometimes pick up skills." Ezio looked concerned and said "So you have seen my entire life with my eyes....please tell me that you didn't see something--....." Desmond looked at him with the cheekiest grin ever and then pulled out a grey coat and handed it to Ezio.

"Try it on" Desmond said before getting some black chinos, a white dress shirt and a fitting sweater before handing them too to Ezio. With the most flustered face Ezio took the clothing handed to him and went in the direction of the changing room pointed to him by Desmond.

Desmond too got himself some Black stretchable Denim jeans, a full sleeved grey V Neck and Cream-Brown leather jacket before going to change. He came out a few minutes later and adjusted the hidden blades under his jacket.

Rebecca came out wearing a black shirt, a hooded white jacket and dark magenta jeans. After her came Shaun wearing black pants, a brown long coat and white dress shirt.

Finally Ezio awkwardly got out of the changing room and complained "Honestly how do you people wear clothing this tight?" Desmond simply said "It's better than the robes you wear which scream 'Assassin' grandpa" Ezio lifted his eyebrow "Grand-what?" "He means Grandfather." Was the reply that came from Shaun while Rebecca just silently snickered, Ezio shooted a glare where his descendent was standing and retorted with "I maybe old but I'm still more skilled than you so watch it"

Damn You Animus. ( Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now