Chapter three - The encounter

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Marinette's POV

Marinette turn to her parents. The also didn't know the answer. So Marinette run up stairs to her room. She opened her computer and looked up we to go get school supplies for a wizard.

" this is no use why would the put it online if it was a secret." She mumbled

But when she looked at the screen she saw a website called the Wizarding secret. So she clicked on it, the page opened up and it asked what school she goes to. Marinette types in Hogwarts and a pub popped up. The name was "The Leakey Cauldron". She jumped up from her chair and ran down stairs to her parents almost falling in the process. Marinette told her parents what she had found.

" great we will go tomorrow."

~time skip~

Marinette woke up actually in time today. She got dressed. She put her hair up in to two pigtails and brushed her teeth. She put on a red button up shirt and some jeans. She put her shoes on and headed down stairs.

" hey mom, hey dad" Marinette hug her parents and she grab a croissant.

" are you guys ready to go shopping" Marinette asked

" look honey, the shop is really busy today."

" but I need to go today, is there a way that I could go by myself"

" Marinette, that not safe"

" please mama, papa can walk me there and make sure it safe"

Marinette's mom thought for a second.

"Fine but if papa says that it's not safe then you have to come home"

" okay, thank you mama"

And this that Marinette and her dad headed toward the pub. The pub wasn't to far but the did have to catch a bus. When Marinette and her dad got off the bus the head to the doors of the pub. When the got inside it looked normal. Her dad looked around to make sure everything was good and he told Marinette to be home in three hours. Marinette nodded. Her dad left and Marinette began to look around.

The building was quiet bigger than she expected. It was dimly lit and smelled of bread. The tables were long and there was a fire place in the front of them. Marinette had no clue how to get to the stores. She looked around the pub until her eyes fell on a girl around her age. She was wearing glasses and had dark brown hair with orange at the tips.

Marinette decided she would ask her for help so she walked over to the girl.

" Hi, is this seat taken"

" no, come sit down"

" I was wondering if you could help me find something"

" sure what can I help you with"

" do you know a place called diagon alley"

" do I, that's were I was just about to head of to"

" really, I have been looking for it, you see I am going to Hogwarts and I have to buy some stuff but I couldn't find this place."

" wait your going to Hogwarts"

" yeah"

" no way so am I, you want to come shopping with me I could use a friend"

" sure, oh by the way my name is Marinette"

" I am alya"

The two girls shook hands and got up and head to a brick wall.

"Umm not to be rude or anything but why are we at a wall. This doesn't look-

" you'll see"

Alya tapped the bricks and the wall began to move and change revealing a Cobblestone road. Marinette look at alya amazed.

" that wall it-it-it just MOVED"

"Haha, yeah"

Alya walked threw the new found opening and Marinette followed shortly behind still looking at the wall in amazement. The girls headed to different shops all filled with magic and energy.

Marinette felt at home like a part of her belonged here. The walked around until they checked off almost everything except one book, a pet and a wand.

" we should go get the book first"alya told Marinette.

So they walked into the book store Marinette was looking at the books when she walked into a girl

" I am so sorry I was looking at the books and didn't-

" I don't want to hear it. How can you not see me."

" I am so sorry really"

Marinette looked up to see a girl her age with light blond hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. She had blue eye shadow on and a disgusted look on her face.

" do you not know who I am"

" I am sorry no"

" ugh, ridiculous. I am Chloé Bourgeoisg. You must be a mud blood if you don't know who I am"

" a what"

" a min blood you and your Pathetic family of Muggles"

" Chloé that's enough"

" oh well look who it is. You know alya that handy down clothes are so lame. Oh how's your family, poor like usual"

Alya looked down at her clothes and then back to Chloé.

" I don't care who your father is but no one pick on my friends or my family"

Alya turns towards Marinette who still has no idea what is happening.

" let's go Marinette"

The two girls leave

" who was that back there."

" Chloé Bourgeois"

" well I know that, she announced it to the whole store. Like who is she."

" oh, her father is the leader of the Ministry of magic. So she thinks she owns the place, but let's forget about her and go get our pets"

Both Marinette and alya entered the pet stores. Alya was explaining all the different types of animals when something orange caught Marinette's eye. She turn towards it. Leaving alya to look at the toads

" why hello there"

The orange flash was actually a owl. She felt like she had a connection to the owl so she bought it. When she was leaving the store alya was still looking

" Marinette you can just wait outside, I will be there in a second"

Marinette headed outside and stood to the right of the store leaning on a wall. After ten minutes passed she decided to head back to the store to see what was keeping alya when all of the sudden something hard ran into her.


Hope you enjoyed that little Cliff hanger.

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