Chapter 12- The HeadMasters Dearest Friend

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Once the hatting ceremony ended the head master stood up in front of the crowd to talked to everyone. He was an older man maybe in his 50s, he had short grey hair and a very long nose. The mans voice as deep and calm, he wore a pair of glasses that where way to small for his face and a dark navy suit with a lime green tie.

"I am head Master Mittelman and I would like to welcome the first years to Hogwarts. There are some rules you must-

There was a soft tap that came somewhere from the back and it got louder and louder. Marinette turned her head to see an old man running down the middle of the dinning hall. His red Hawaiian shirt stood out among the sea of people. When the old man got closer she realized it was the same man she had gotten her wand from. Marinette turned to look at the head master. The head master had a grin plastered on his face like he was seeing an old friend.

"So-sorry I am late, I had some packing that I needed to do." The old man said, Marinette had forgotten his name.

"Don't worry my dear friend. We would never start with out you." Both of the men laughed and once the wand maker got up there the embraced in a hug. Marinette looked around and saw the confused faces and some faces trying not to burst out in laughter. One face that surprised her the most was Adrians.
The face he was making was exactly how Marinette was feeling, surprised and confused.

"Well everyone one I would like you to meet my dear friend Professor Fu. He will be you Defense against the dark arts teacher." That's it Fu was his name. The Professor Mittelman and professor Fu seemed to be very close.

Once Professor Mittelman finished his speech about the rules dinner magical appeared in front of them. Everyone started to grab food off of the trays but Marinette noticed Adrian seemed kinda distance like before when he sat down.

She didn't want to interrupt his thoughts so she just let him be. Marinette grabbed some food and joined in to the conversation that was happening on the other side of her.

"That was the funniest thing to happen at one of theses opening ceremonies." One of the older kids was talking to Luka. "I always knew Professor Mittelman has some odd friends but come the guy comes running in with a Hawaii shirt on carrying a box with who knows what's in it" the older kid continued.

"Wait he was carrying a box" Marinette jumped into the conversation. The older kid looked at her as if she was joking.

"You didn't notice the hug box he was dragging behind him?" The older kid face was filled with annoyance, you could her the irritation behind his voice.

"I guess I was to busy paying attention to his shirt to notice" Marinette said with a fake smile on her face. 'Why didn't I notice it' she though.

The older person annoyance disappeared "your pretty funny first year"

"Oh right I didn't introduce, this is Marinette. She is friends with Alya here, who is a family friend of mine." Luka said to the big guy next to him. " And Marinette and Alya this is Ivan. He is one of my best friends." Luka pointed to Ivan who gave a small wave.

"It's nice to meet you" Marinette smiled at Ivan. He smiled back at her and he smiled at Alya too. Who was starting to look like Adrian.

"Alya whatcha thinking about" Marinette turn towards Alya.

"I don't know, it just that Professor Fu is giving me a weird vibe. It's just that I don't know who he his and I have done a lot of research on great wizards and he was never mentioned." Marinette could see the look of confusion on Alya's face.

"Maybe he isn't super famous. Not everyone that works her has to be a world renowned wizard, right?" Marinette looked at everyone in the group.

"Yeah I agree with Marinette, not everyone a hero." At the sound of Nino's voice Marinette jumped a little because she forgot he was sitting in front of her.

"It just odd because even the lesser know wizards that work here are known for something and he's friends with Professor Mittelman. And Professor Mittelman isn't friends with just anyone. The man is friends with Harry freaking Potter." Alya kinda yelled a little. Some people turned and looked but most couldn't hear her.

"Alya's right, Professor Mittelman isn't friends with just anyone" Luka said as he was about to take a bite of his chicken leg.

"How do you even know all this stuff if you don't even go here." Marinette asked Alya.

"What can I say I like to do some research plus I have a blog for young wizards, like myself. Where I post stuff like famous wizards and most famous Hogwarts Professors."

"Um, I am sorry what are we talking about" again Marinette jumped at the sound of a voice this time it was Adrian's.

"Just the really odd Professor that came running in here a while back" Nino nodded towards Professor Fu. "Don't you think so" Nino asked Adrian

"Oh, y-yeah, total." Adrian stuttered, The whole group could feel that something was off. Marinette could also tell some was off with Adrian. She didn't know him very well but they had a weird connection.

Marinette wondered off into thought while the rest of the group kept talking. She could feel that someone was looking at her. She looked around until her eyes locked with Professors Fu's. They both held the eye contact for a few seconds until Professor Fu gave a slight nod and lifted his glass up in the air. Kinda like he was wishing her luck.

"Hey Marinette, you good" Luka asked her.

"Yeah, I was just uh just thinking." Marinette said back to him.

"Well, it's time for the perfects to give the first years a 'tour, of the school and common room." Marinette looked around and saw that most people where getting up.

"Oh okay" Marinette said while getting up. Her and Luka went to go catch up to Alya and the others. Marinette looked back at all the teachers and professor Fu wasn't there any more. 'Where did he go' Marinette thought.

Thank you all for reading and as always I hope you have enjoyed it so far.

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