Chapter 13-The Oddly Sized Book And The Talking Cat.

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During dinner Adrian couldn't help but think out the Professor Fu. Out of all the years he and his father had visited here, not once had Professor Fu been brought up or even mentioned. Countless conversations with Professor Mittelman and never had he mentioned his dear friend Fu.

That's all Adrian thought about until he dinner was over and his mind was occupied with all of the beautiful places in Hogwarts. Of course he has seen the school in great depth many times but the place never ceases to amaze him. The moving stair cases, the portrays that move, and the energy of magic flowing through the air.

At home magic flows through the air but it's cold and bitter. Also like you could get frost bite from it. Here at Hogwarts the air is warm and it did smell like you would think a hundred year old castle would smell like. It smelled like a house that had food always cooking and people always chatting.

"And here is the Gryffindor entrance" The perfect pointed to an painting of a black cat playing with a small red bug, Adrian assumed it was what the muggles call a ladybug. "You must say the password to get in, which is miraculous." When the perfect said that the cat looked at the group, the cat held Adrians gaze for a second and then ran off. The painting, which apparently was a door, sprung open.

When the door sprung open it revealed a large room full of very old looking furniture. The room was lowly lit and had a fire going in the fire place. The group rushed in and explored around the room. Many ran to sit on the sofa but Adrian was drawn to the book shelf and apparently Marinette was too.

Adrian walked over to the book shelf and started rummaging through the books looking at titles and the covers. Most books where of magic folk tales, most of them his mom had read to him. Some where even muggle books, like Percy Jackson. He heard Nino talking about it on the train with Luka. Apparently it was about demigods in the real world, so unrealistic.

Adrian kept looking through the books nothing really popped out at him. The he looked over at Marinette who had a big red and gold book in her hands.

"What's that book about?" When he asked her that question she jumped and she dropped the book, which landed right on Adrians toes.

"Oh no, I am so sorry. I just keep hurting you don't I. With running into and then running into you again and then dropping a very, very oddly large book on your foot." Marinette bent down quickly and picked up the book before Adrian had the chance to even say ow.

"Don't worry about it." Adrian gave Marinette a big smiled and helped her put the book back on the shelf.

"Okay first years, now is when you get to explore you dormitories because it's time for you all to go to bed." The perfect showed where the boys sleep and where the girls sleep and the group split and went there separate ways.

Adrian had to walk up a winding stair case that lead to a bright red door that red 'First year boys
Dormitories'. He walked in and saw five beds with velvet curtains and sheets. Adrian scanned the room until his eyes fell upon his chest and his small black cat.

He walked over to his cats cage and unlocked it to let him out of his cage so the cat could roam the room. Once he opened the door the cat rushed out of the cage. That's when it dawned on Adrian he never named him.

"What should I name you little one." Adrian said as he bend down to pet the black cat.

"I go by Plagg." Adrian jumped back and a small scream escaped his mouth.

"Hey dude are you good." Nino looked at Adrian with a look of absolute confusion.

"Did-did you not hear that." Adrian pointed to his cat.

"Really Adrian, I thought you where smarter than that." Plagg curled up on the floor and gave Adrian a look of pure annoyance.

"Hear what dude." Now Nino started to look worried.

"Um, never mind" Adrian said to Nino without even looking at him.

Oookayy man but if you need me just yell my name, ok man." Nino head back over to his bed still looking at Adrian.

"So you mean to tell me only I can hear you." Adrian whispered to his cat so that no one else could hear him.

"Yup" Plagg said "while where doing this whole chatting thing, you got any cheese. All they gave me to eat is something called cat cuisine and I only eat things that I know what are in them." Adrian just looked at the cat stunned.

"I'll get you cheese after you tell me way only I can hear you." Adrian said a little to loudly because Nino paused and looked at him. Adrian just smiled and waved at him and then turned back to the cat.

"Oh, right I need to tell you about everything don't I." Plagg said sounding like he finally remembered what he had forgot.

"Before you get into that, let's go down to the common room, hopefully no one will be down there." Adrian told Plagg.

Then Adrian picked up Plagg and put him in his robe and prayed that no one would see him. He opened the door and Crept down the stairs.

Once he made it to the common room he was relieved to see that no one was in there. Then he pulled Plagg out of his robe and placed him on the couch. Then Adrian took a seat next to Plagg and looked at him straight in the face.

"Okay, hit me. Am I crazy?" Adrian asked Plagg who was not surprised by Adrians reaction at all.

"No, no. Well maybe a little but who isn't."

"So why can I hear you."

"Okay, so a very long time ago there where these really old wizards and their job was to protect the world from evil. So they made these wands that choose great witches and wizards, that can carry on the legacy." Plagg took a deep breath "Though these wizards made two other wands that are greater than all the others. Those two wands are destined to be together and well you got one of those wands." Adrian looked at Plagg for a second and then shot up.

"You mean to tell me I am like a super hero wizard." Adrian yelled

"Well yeah basically. Though the wizarding world has been fairly save, except for you know they whole Voldemort thing. So don't get to excited, there probably won't be much to do."

"Well I guess you never know."

"Do I get Camembert now?" Plagg groaned

"Almost, I have one more question. What makes my wand so different?"

"Well first of all it's thousands of years old. Secondly it transforms you into your alternative personnel, so like no one knows who you are. That fairly important I think. Lastly it gives you special abilities."

"Like?" Adrian asked trying to get more out of him.

"I don't know it depends on the wizard. My last own could space sift." Plagg shrugged his cat shoulders. " Now do I get Camembert?" Plagg asked with annoyance.

"Yes you can...tomorrow." Adrian said quickly and then grabbed Plagg and put him back in his robe as he screamed.

"How could you lie to meee... I have never felt so betrayed!!!" Plaggs muffled voices screamed.

As Adrian crept back up the stairs he heard footsteps but he didn't know which way they where coming from. So he started to walk faster up the stairs until he can face to face with another person.


Well it's been awhile hasn't it. *akward silence* well thanks for reading.

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