Chapter 10- The sorting hat

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During the train ride Adrian became really good friends with this girl named Kagami. She was very serious but Adrian felt like she had a good reason. He felt as though they could relate.

So the two of them walked side by side along with Luka and Juleka right behind them. Adrian was happy, he had made friends, even if they were the more silent type.

He was happy until he saw her. The blue eyed girl he had bumped into so many time, like so many times. It wasn't like he knew her or had any really connection with her. He just had a feeling about her. Also he didn't want her to think he was some jerk who would only hang out with his 'kind'.

Adrian started to walk up to her, when a curtain blonde haired girl got in his way.

"Adrikans I am so sorry I snapped I just have been threw a lot and.."

"Chloé" Adrian cut her off before she could fake her tears. " I have am done with this game of your, I get it your sorry, but I am done with your game. So if you are done I would like to get by."

"This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous" Chloé stomped her foot and turned away leaving Adrian with a crowd of people with their eyes on him, but when he searched the crowd he couldn't find Marinette.

"Dude, you good" Nino patted Adrian on the back.

" yeah, I just am done with her stupid games" Adrian stated while trying to cool down. The tips of his ears where the color of cherries.

"Well dude that is some good news." Nino laugh. Adrian tried to be nice and smiled even though he was still angry. The group continued follow the rest until they came to a stop.

It was at the end of the cobblestone path. It led into the woods. There stood Carriages pulled by black horses. "Dude this place is wild" Nino stated. Adrian didn't think to anyone in particular.

People started to load into the carriages. That's when he spotted her. Marinette stood laughing with a large group of people. " hey let's go see if we can catch a ride with them" Adrian told nino who was now looking at the girl starting next to Marinette.

He assumed that this was Nino's way of saying yes so the two headed over to the big group of people. They all looked to be his age except for Luka. But Adrian knew Luka so everything was fine.

"Um hey could we join you guys" Adrian said with a weak smile. He hoped that Marinette wouldn't be mad at him. There was just something that made him drawn to her, but it seemed that Marinette wasn't who he needed to be worried about.

"Sorry the carriage is full" Adrian stood there sadly until Marinette spoke up.

"Come in alya we can make room can't we." Marinette was looking at alya. It seemed as though they where having a conversation without words. But before Marinette could say anything Luka spoke up.

"It's okay guys, we have room in our carriage you guys can ride with us." He gestured to a group of kids behind him. 'Well that's better than nothing' Adrain thought, though he really wanted to apologize to Marinette.

"Thanks Luka" Adrian said. Then he turned to Marinette to give her a smile for standing up for him but he was taken off Guard to see her mouth the word "sorry". Then the group was whisked away to a carriage.


Everything was going good so far though it's only been a couple of minutes. The time she go off of the train and to the carriages she had already made some new friends. She felt as nothing could ruin her day.

Until Adrian came over to her group. She really didn't know why alya was so mean to him but she tried to defuse the fire but alya was not having it.

Thanks to Luka, Adrian and his friend got on a carriage and now the two groups where riding to the place they will call home for a long time.

Marinette got out of the carriage to see a huge building. It looked like a castle. The group walked in and walked throughout the halls until they got to a huge door. Then an old lady approach the big group of what they called first years.

"Hello first years. I am professor McGonagal. Welcome to Hogwarts. Today you will be put in your house. So chins up and no horse playing. Let me go see if their ready for you."

The lady left and the crowd began to chat. All about house and what they wanted. But Marinette didn't know what she wanted. She scanned the crowd trying to find a friendly face. Alya was talking with Luka so she just stoked there. The her eye caught adrain.

He looked worried. Marinette felt bad all she wanted to do was go over and tell him he was going to be okay. But alya had warned her about him so she kept her distance.

Then the professor came back and guided them into a big room called the dinning hall. All kinds of people in long robes sat on benches. Most wore smiles one their face some where mischievous though. She felt like fresh meat but that was only a few of people.

The ceiling was decorated with floating candles. 'How do they do that' is the only thing Marinette though about. She in the front of the room was a bunch of older people. Who she assumed where the staff. As she scanned the line of teachers she came upon one.

It was the wand man. The crazy wand man. Marinette was stunned. What is he doing here. As she was trying to think. A man in a long red robe began to talk about some rules but Marinette wasn't really listening. All she heard was something about room 456. Then they started to call up students. When she bearded alya name she came back to.

"Ah let's see a Césaire I know just where to put you....... Gryffindor" the whole table went up in applause and cheer. Then they called her name.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng.." a hush fell over the crowd. Marinette made her way to the front. And sat on the stool.

"Well a Dupain-Cheng after all these years. I see you will be put to the test. You have great potential but where to place you. Yes, yes, you are kind and ambitious but you are brave and will protect any person that you can. I think that I will put you in........... Gryffindor" again a loud cheer filled the room.

Marinette walked over to the table and took a seat next to Alya. Then Adrian's name was called.


Well it's been awhile. Sorry. I have been a little busy. I also have been writing another story. It's already up and in my profile thingy if y'all would like to read it. Its a break dancing AU.So yeah. Thank you all for reading. It really does mean a lot.

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