Chapter 9 - Welcome to Hogwarts

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Adrian opened the box door. He stepped in side, he was filled with anger.

"Why do you have to be so mean." He looked Chloé died in the eyes. He was tried of her being mean to everyone.

"I don't get it. You where nice when we were kids. What's different now" words kept poring out of his mouth. His thoughts finally coming out.

"Every time your mean it effects someone and this Time it was me. I could have made a friend"

Chloé sat there speechless. Her eyes huge, her mouth hung open. Adrian looked at her not breaking his gaze he wanted an answer.

" Get Out" was all she said

"And bring your little friend with you"

Adrian was anger, first she didn't answer him and now she was mad at him. He was done. He turned out to the exit.

"Come on Nino." Adrian said with anger still in his voice.

Nino and Adrian walk down the train looking for any open cart. When they were walking, they walked past a cart full of laughter. When Adrian looked in side he saw that girl. Marinette. He didn't look for long but he so wanted to be in that cart with the laughter. He wanted to make friends.

But they kept on walking. Until they found an empty cart. Well not completely empty. There was a boy with blue tipped hair, a girl with purple tipped hair and another girl with short blue-ish hair. Adrian and Nino stepped inside.

" hey do you mind if we join you guys, the people in our other cart kick us out." Adrian ask

"Total" the guy with the blue tipped hair said.

"Cool thanks, this is nino and I am Adrian"

" Nice, I am Luka, this is my sister Juleka and this is Kagmi."

They all look like cool people, Adrian thought. Adrian and nino sat down. And the five of them began to talk. After a while they train pulled up at the station. It was dark out side maybe a little after 7.
Adrian and the others gathered their stuff and headed for the exit.


" we don't need to listen to this, come on Marinette I am not hungry any more"

With that Marinette and Alya turned and walked away. Marinette turned to look behind her to see if Adrian was still there but he was gone. 'Maybe he really was rude and mean like everyone says' Marinette thought. But something deep down inside of her just told her that there was more to the story.

She turned back around and walked into the cart where Alix and Kim were still sitting.

"No jelly beans?" Kim said, his face looked very sad. It was kinda funny. That this big guy was sad over jelly beans.

"No, sorry Kim. We kinda got distracted" Alya said with faint anger still left in her voice.

" what happened" Alix asked as Marinette and Alya sat down.

" The short story is that we ran into Adrian. Well more like Marinette fell into Adrian."

Marinette looked at the ground alya was really mad at this guy but Marinette really didn't know why. It's not really like he's done anything wrong. But he did make fun of Alix and Kim.

"Why do you hate him so much" Marinette blurt out, with out thinking.

" really Marinette,they are pure bloods they think their better than everyone else. Especially Adrian's kind" Alya said

" what is Adrian's 'kind'" Marinette said still confused on this whole pure blood and houses thing.

" He is a pure blood Slytherin."

"So, I bet that slytherin's are really nice. If you gave them a chance"

"Those kinda of people are all the same, aren't they Alix."Alya said

Alix just shook her head yes in reply. Marinette just gave up on the topic. Alya wouldn't give in and she really didn't want to fight with her new friends so she just replied with.

"I guess you're right"

For a little while there was silence but after awhile things got back to normal with the laughter and the smiling. The whole train could probably hear them but they didn't care. Marinette knew that this was a moment she will remember forever.

Finally they pulled up to the station. Marinette was a little sad to get off because she had a feeling that things were about to happen. But they were just nervous. Right?

Thank you for reading. Sorry that I haven't written in a while. This chapter was a little short so sorry but I hope you have enjoyed the story so far.

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