P r o l o g u e

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Little Lion Man" By Mumford and Sons


P r o l o g u e >

He didn’t mean to find her. It had never been his intention to find her. She was supposed to be a myth, a thing parents told their pups as a bedtime story. Despite anything he told himself though she is very much there, right in front of him like some long forgotten dream.

He knows it’s she by the scent of her; it overpowers everything else in this shithole bar he has stopped at just to get a drink and be around people. He forces himself to do that every now and again, be around people. It helps him feel like maybe he isn’t as broken as others have told him he is. It helps the illusion that maybe he could normal if he just tried.

Looking at her though destroyed that illusion.

She is everything he could have hoped for. Her face is heart shaped, her lips full and pink with large black doe eyes that seem to see everything. Her skin is pale, nearly translucent but it is the skin of her shoulder that has his mouth filling with drool. His wolf wants to taste her, mark her and make her theirs forever. It is her purpose, his wolf argues, to be by his side. He is just prolonging the inevitable by simply staring at her.

She is his soul mate after all.

He shakes his head, trying to get his wolf to shut up. He doesn’t want to do any of that; well that’s what he keeps telling himself. He knows what she is to him but he tells himself he won’t soil her with his shit. He won’t drag her into his mess and he certainly won’t claim her for his very own. She’s too perfect; too pure for the images his wolf keeps berating his mind with. God but is it tempting.

Then the impossible happens. She comes to him.

“Hi, I’m Robin.” Her honey like voice informs him and it’s then that he realizes she is a waitress there. He has been so focused on her face and her scent that he totally missed what she was wearing. She’s dressed in black jeans, a black polo with a purple patch over the left breast with the bar’s logo. How had he missed that? “What can I get you?”

“Robin?” He echoes testing the name on his tongue. He finds he likes it, the way it seems to roll right off his lips like it was the only name he’s ever uttered.

Her black eyes focus on him and a wide smile graces her face making his heart stutter in his chest, “Yes, that’s my name. I don’t really like it but I’ve never had the guts to change it and who has the time these days anyhow? Anyway, what can I get you?”

It takes him a minute to respond, he’s too caught up in the way her voice sounds and the expressions that pass her face to really register everything she’s been saying. Clearing his throat he realizes that she has kindly waiting for him to say anything that doesn’t make him sound stupid or crazy. He will do his best not to disappoint.

“I’ll just have a beer, I think.”

“A beer?” She asks with that grin still on her face, “Would you like any specific kind or will any old brand do?”

“You choose.” He tells her, trying not to be sucked into the endless black of her eyes and attempting to keep his head on straight. “I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.”

Her eyes search his face and for a minute he’s afraid she can see into his soul, the one that half belong to her anyway. Finally she blinks rapidly a few times before shaking her head like she’s clearing her thoughts of something then clearing her throat. He can feel the warmth of her circle around him like a favorite blanket making him for once in many years feel…relaxed.

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