C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Little Black Submarines" By The Black Keys

C h a p t e r F i f t e e n >

Luke’s wolf rears back at the power in the man’s voice. Luke takes in Jessup’s scent and though there is a hint of werewolf blood in him he is not a werewolf himself. This doesn’t surprise Luke though. For him to be mated to Robin would mean she has to have some of the gene in her, its what makes them genetically compatible. At least that was one of the theories about mates.

He figures his wolf’s reaction is mostly due to the personal power that Jessup holds. Luke, even with the ability to shift, wouldn’t fuck with Jessup if he didn’t have to. The man is a force of nature and much like his daughter, commands respect by his mere presence.

“I can’t have you putting them in danger, Luke. I know you care for my daughter and my grandson but I am still head of this family and I can’t allow you to be foolish about this.” Jessup says with intense brown eyes narrowed and focused on him. “Go to the pack and ask for protection.”

“You don’t understand.” Luke says lowly, his wolf growling in his head at the mention of packs. “I don’t do packs.”

“This isn’t about just you anymore.”

Luke leans back against the kitchen counter and grips the edge tightly. He knows that it’s what best for his family and their safety. He knows that but his hatred of packs is nothing if not deeply sowed inside him. He wants to be able to put that aside but he also knows that might not be possible. Packs are meant to protect their members but not all of them do.

He knows from personal experience.

Snapping his head up at the sound of Robin’s frantic voice he seems everyone staring at him with wide eyes. Its then he looks down at his hands to see that he’s put a crack in the thick wood counter from holding it so tight. Letting go he steps back from it and runs a hand over his now inch long dark hair.

“Sorry.” He mutters.

Robin’s scent envelops him as she comes over to him. Her hands cup his face as she looks up at him with a searching gaze. “What’s wrong?”

Looking into her eyes he knows he’ll have to put his prejudice aside. He can’t risk not taking action and having the hunters get near them. Leaning down he lays his forehead against hers before inhaling her floral scent. His wolf is still unhappy with the idea of going anywhere near a pack but the nearness of Robin seems to be soothing him.

“Nothing’s wrong. Your dad is right. I have to go to the pack.”

“Can I come with you?”

Luke’s lip twitches at the question but he shakes his head, “No, I think it’s better if you go to the trailer and pick some things up. I don’t want you staying there alone while the hunters are in town.”


“Robin, please.” He begs caressing her lower lip with his thumb, “Just do this for me.”

Nodding she sighs, “Okay fine but know that I’m not happy about this.”

“I’ll take that under account.” He smirks.

“When will you be going?”

“Sooner rather than later. I want to get this over with as soon as I can, believe me.”

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