C h a p t e r T h r e e

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Blonde On Blonde" By Nada Surf

C h a p t e r T h r e e >


The whole thing is awkward. Robin and Richie have been sitting in dead silence for the past ten minutes and she’s beginning to lose hope they’ll ever speak again. After he gave her some admittedly beautiful white lilies in a bouquet and told her how pretty she was they climbed into his truck and now…nothing. She can tell he wants to say something but every time she thinks he’s going to say something, anything really he just shuts his mouth again.

She’s fighting the urge to shake him.

“So Richie.” She begins with her best fake smile, “Where are we going?”

Richie clears his throat, “Well I thought maybe we’d check out that new restaurant down in Wadesville.”

“I haven’t heard of it.”

“It’s a nice one and since you’re dressed so nice I thought it was a good idea not to waste showing you off.” He says with a sweet little smile.

He really is a nice guy. Now if only she could make herself like him! The silence comes over them again and doesn’t really end until they pull up outside of a large building that from the high number of cars and the heavenly smells of food. Robin’s stomach growls audibly making her smile sheepishly at the laughing Richie.

“Come on, let’s go feed you before that monster of yours comes out and eats me.”

Robin chuckles and opens her door only to stumble a bit on the disaster heels Grace made her wear. It’s always been misfortunate for Robin that Grace and her share the same shoe size. The amount of heels she’s been manhandled into is countless at this point in her life.

“You okay over there?” Richie asks, walking around the truck with an extended hand.

Robin takes it, trying to ignore the discomfort she feels with touching him, “I’m fine. Grace just made me wear these heels and now I’m trying not to impale myself on anything sharp nearby.”

Richie laughs and helps her step over the curb to get the sidewalk. “Well I don’t know how much your suffering right now but I do know you look beautiful.”

“Well I suppose it’s all worth it then.”


About fifteen minutes later they’re seated at a table and the awkwardness returns again, at least for her. Glancing over the rim of her menu Robin looks over her date with the most objective way she can, like she were any other woman. Richie looks much more put together than usual with his light brown hair free of any oil or grease he would normally collect from the garage, a nice button up plaid shirt and a pair of unstained jeans with his church shoes on. He even looks pretty cute with his dark brows furrowed and his brown eyes intense as he reads the menu.

Robin and Richie first met when he came to work at her dad’s automotive repair shop part time two years before. He’s quit since than in favor for doing construction but he still helps out at the shop when they need it on the weekends. Over that time they’ve gotten to know each other. Richie is actually a few years younger than Robin at, twenty-two to her nearly twenty-five but he didn’t seem to mind that. He also didn’t seem to mind that she was a single mom and whenever he gets the chance tries to get on Charlie’s good side. It never works but Robin respects him at least trying to get to know her son. Most guys wouldn’t bother. In fact most men keep away from her in town.

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